[QUOTE="Desmonic"] Why would use that as an example when he clearly means TV's (at least in Samsung's case) that have released in the past 2-3 years? Sure TC is just seeking attention and making an incredibly useless argument, but that was an odd answer my friend! :P
I don't think it should seem that odd compared to the TC's OP.
He compares a smart TV, to Xbox One's Kinect. Saying that these smart TV's have come to the party with the technology - faster.
So, straight away we can compare the existing Kinect to the smart TV, to point out - as you say so yourself - the superficial nature of their argument. Kinect 1 came to the party faster than these smart TVs.
My inclusion of the voice activation computer is to show that voice activation has been around for such a long time, it's kind of dumb to point out someone being 'first' this late.
Ah I see. Yeah you're right, voice commands aren't new. I've seen them mostly used with people who are blind and/or have some sort of physical deficiency which stops them from being able to move like us. I was more in the mindset of "Voice commands don't sell TV's nor consoles", which is why I think it's a pointless argument :P My point has nothing to do with sales of TV's. I am talking about voice and gesture to control your TV. Xbox One's biggest feature for casuals. Anyone who is over the age of 12 knows voice control has been around since at least the 1980's if not the 70's and 60's in some form. Voice commands aren't new, no shit. But since when has your tv or cable box had voice and gesture commands. People completely missing the point and bringing up bullshit replies.
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