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#1 Metal-Recon
Member since 2003 • 823 Posts

Hi guys, just wanted to know after how many time does your controller starts to disconnect when actively using it because of batteries?

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#2 Metal-Recon
Member since 2003 • 823 Posts

I would say it has to be a balance between them all... part of you being sucked by a game is based on how well the story is, but for that to happen the world you're at has to match the story you're trying to tell in the sense that, artistically, it has to be in accordance with the type of story you're trying to tell and how can the game make those environments and art designs real... but by any means you can leave the gameplay out because in the end if you have a great story and graphics, it means nothing if you do pretty much nothing, in the end it will turn out tu be dull and boring after time goes by.

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#3 Metal-Recon
Member since 2003 • 823 Posts

Have late GR games been fast paced as MW2 or are they more tactical and stuff?... I would rather like it more tactical than MW2 (which is not saying much haha I know) BUT not having too opened environments as GR used to have... my only problem is that I played one Ghost Recon game in the original Xbox, not Island thunder, I think it was the first one they launched for that console and even thought I found that tactically it was good, the environment didn't help too much IMO and turned me off the series because they were to opened making enemies to be very far one from another and action was not as paced at I would have liked it to be... are GR games lately like this or are they more fast paced / chaotic if you want to put it like that?

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#4 Metal-Recon
Member since 2003 • 823 Posts

Hey guys just read the info on GR Future Soldier... wanted to know your opinions on the game and stuff from what you've heard... will it be any better than MW2?...

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#5 Metal-Recon
Member since 2003 • 823 Posts

Maybe a tie between Fantasy and Sci-Fihassanfadil

For sure it's Same as this for me... Depending on the game, I do happen to like Post-apocalyptic and modern games too (As for example I do like Gears of War, MW2 and Fallout 3, but I'm not into borderlands and some other games ranked in these categories)

What the heck... I like all types as long as they have a story that drives me into playing it... in the end it's about the game and the experience it offers not solely on setting...

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#6 Metal-Recon
Member since 2003 • 823 Posts

As I said in the post I made about this same topic... awesome trailer, loved every bit of it... you shouldn't be worried about the inclusion of a MP because they're being developed by different people...

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#7 Metal-Recon
Member since 2003 • 823 Posts

Hello there people...

Just watched the new trailer Gamespot posted for Bioshock 2 and wanted to know your impressions of it... I personally found it awesome, liked it a lot... it might be the same settling but if SP + Story maintains as good as it was on first one then is a must IMO (which I don't see why it wouldn't, MP is being crafted by different studio than SP so don't think there will be such a situation as SP being downgraded because they had to spend time on MP).

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#8 Metal-Recon
Member since 2003 • 823 Posts

It's funny that from what I've heard, graphically wise, Xbox 360 still has the edge by a tiny bit... even Gamespot in their graphics comparisson round 5 or 6 compared Modern Warfare 2 along some other games (AC2 for example) and they sais Xbox 360 had the edge...

Either way if he likes games based on graphics then leave him do it, I mean, he doesn't really know what he wants, because games are not only about gtraphics in the end

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#9 Metal-Recon
Member since 2003 • 823 Posts

You guys are whining for nothing... I can understand the reviewer's score but before I explain why remember that if you don't like the score handed to the game and you think it should have been better or worse, you can give it your own score right here in Gamespot and they show it to other readers... you rate games based on reasons they don't and you look at it in a way they don't necessarily do... just remember that

Now back on the main topic, is as simple as this: YES he is saying it is a great game and it seems like it's indeed a great game, story wise and stuff.... NOW, based on genre (RPG) it lacks in some departments... Take it this way to see if you guys understand it: Mass effect is a great game, has great story and gameplay and stuff BUT to RPG standards it lacks in some departments compared to others that could have been developed in better ways... nonetheless this is not such a big issue overall, hence they give it a 9 and not a 9.5.

It is not only about story and gameplay, they have to overlook what genre the game is based on so they can give a proper review... It's as simple as that

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#10 Metal-Recon
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I don't understand what you're getting at...


I'm trying to say that not every single player game should be just rentals, I would never rent Mass Effect. But I can see that those who complain about length and replayability should research the game before buying it, that's why rentals work a lot too.

I understand, I bought Mass Effect aswell, but it was 20 bucks. But to me 60 dollars is alot of money, actually it's alot of money to ANYONE, and if you say it isn't then you're a liar :\

It isn't and happens to be I'm not a liar... If I can afford it and I WANT to afford it then it is not a lot of money, do not generalize on this based on yourself