YOU DIED..the tale of a poor pyromancer who finds himself in Lordran the most unforgiving place in gaming (V2.0 for those of you who remember that demon souls exists)
EPISODE 4:mutants....mutants everywhere
last time we stopped i was in firelink shrine crying about the curse system
anyway thanks to the tips from a dozen helpfull guys on fuse(thanks guys)
i head to undead asylum
which takes me 15 mins to nail the jump
when i get there i trade a few items with the crow and get 2 purgin stones for the damned curses
almost dying from the few undead there made me certain that its too early for me to head to
the rest of undead asylum
when i get back to firelink shrine i buy combustion for the pyro and love it 16 uses almost the same damage as stupid fireball and easier to cast
i suck it up and head for the depths again
i kill the gaint rat with 6 fireballs while on the ledge above him(who made that guy a miniboss i wanna farm him for souls XD )
when i reach the frog area i scared s***less
i manage to kill the 10 frogs and loot the entire area
i feel so pround still lost like there is no tomorrow i wonder around for a while
then wonder some more to find my self at the door to blighttown
i thought since im at the door to blight town i must be close to the boss fight
i get to the boss fight and boy was that dragon weird
first thing u see in him is his small head which looks like the top of a crocodile's head then u see his chest
which has no skin on it and his rip cage is actually huge teeth with billions of smaller teeth inside
then he has another torso which actually has a fat belly
then comes the rear legs and long tail
first 2 tries i get him to 50% before i die badly
camera is sorta to blame here the boss is like 100 feet long and its zoomed in on your character badly
u can never see what the boss is doing next
some wiking informs me of his attack patterns
3rd time is the charm i kill him
he drops a lot of souls that plus all the souls from the trash before+the gaint rat i had 35k souls being a brave gamer i head back to the bonfire and spend them all to level up before heading to blighttown
so i ge to blighttown
first thing i meet is the big guys that drop dung pies (yes dung pies really dung pies that is what they are called in game)
i kill 2 of them
and while i was killing the 3rd guy i aggro an infected undead that is using someone's corpse as a weapon and die
second try i manage to kill everything in the area
but have no idea how to get down to progress further
i use my bow to aggro someone from the lower floor and wait to see how he reachs me a
he attacks from behind i kill him and agrro another guy and look the way the first one came
the second one also attacks me from behind
bored to death i decide to take a leap of faith
while i did survive the fall
i find my self infront of 2 undead who are on a frenzy i manage to kill one of them but while i was swinging to kill the second one i get stabbed and die dropping 8k souls at the bottom of a death drop :(
that is when i call it a break i was planning on playing again yesterday but i ended up heading to @aser92 's place to play some borderlands 2 on his pc since my ps3 copy is still in the damn mail (curse u amazon if i don't get it by the end of the week im so going to send u one of those cursed frogs from dark souls )
one final thought: blighttown is veryworthy of its name as badframeratetown
and it deserves to be the first area i know its name (almost every review has it )
ps: evey one said that the poison and toxins there are anoyin gso far i haven't seen them to be that anoying i'd die from getting hit by the time the build up would get to 100% but maybe they are confusing it for NG+
cya next time everyone
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