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MetalDragon199 Blog

YOU DIED : EPISODE 4:mutants....mutants everywhere

YOU DIED..the tale of a poor pyromancer who finds himself in Lordran the most unforgiving place in gaming (V2.0 for those of you who remember that demon souls exists)

EPISODE 4:mutants....mutants everywhere

last time we stopped i was in firelink shrine crying about the curse system
anyway thanks to the tips from a dozen helpfull guys on fuse(thanks guys)

i head to undead asylum
which takes me 15 mins to nail the jump
when i get there i trade a few items with the crow and get 2 purgin stones for the damned curses

almost dying from the few undead there made me certain that its too early for me to head to

the rest of undead asylum
when i get back to firelink shrine i buy combustion for the pyro and love it 16 uses almost the same damage as stupid fireball and easier to cast

i suck it up and head for the depths again

i kill the gaint rat with 6 fireballs while on the ledge above him(who made that guy a miniboss i wanna farm him for souls XD )

when i reach the frog area i scared s***less

i manage to kill the 10 frogs and loot the entire area

i feel so pround still lost like there is no tomorrow i wonder around for a while
then wonder some more to find my self at the door to blighttown
i thought since im at the door to blight town i must be close to the boss fight
i get to the boss fight and boy was that dragon weird

first thing u see in him is his small head which looks like the top of a crocodile's head then u see his chest
which has no skin on it and his rip cage is actually huge teeth with billions of smaller teeth inside
then he has another torso which actually has a fat belly
then comes the rear legs and long tail
first 2 tries i get him to 50% before i die badly
camera is sorta to blame here the boss is like 100 feet long and its zoomed in on your character badly
u can never see what the boss is doing next
some wiking informs me of his attack patterns
3rd time is the charm i kill him
he drops a lot of souls that plus all the souls from the trash before+the gaint rat i had 35k souls being a brave gamer i head back to the bonfire and spend them all to level up before heading to blighttown

so i ge to blighttown
first thing i meet is the big guys that drop dung pies (yes dung pies really dung pies that is what they are called in game)
i kill 2 of them
and while i was killing the 3rd guy i aggro an infected undead that is using someone's corpse as a weapon and die
second try i manage to kill everything in the area
but have no idea how to get down to progress further
i use my bow to aggro someone from the lower floor and wait to see how he reachs me a

he attacks from behind i kill him and agrro another guy and look the way the first one came
the second one also attacks me from behind

bored to death i decide to take a leap of faith
while i did survive the fall
i find my self infront of 2 undead who are on a frenzy i manage to kill one of them but while i was swinging to kill the second one i get stabbed and die dropping 8k souls at the bottom of a death drop :(
that is when i call it a break i was planning on playing again yesterday but i ended up heading to @aser92 's place to play some borderlands 2 on his pc since my ps3 copy is still in the damn mail (curse u amazon if i don't get it by the end of the week im so going to send u one of those cursed frogs from dark souls )
one final thought: blighttown is veryworthy of its name as badframeratetown
and it deserves to be the first area i know its name (almost every review has it )
ps: evey one said that the poison and toxins there are anoyin gso far i haven't seen them to be that anoying i'd die from getting hit by the time the build up would get to 100% but maybe they are confusing it for NG+

cya next time everyone

YOU DIED :EPISODE 3:Curse be upon you

YOU DIED..the tale of a poor pyromancer who finds himself in Lordran the most unforgiving place in gaming (V2.0 for those of you who remember that demon souls exists)


due to some wiki research I realize that the living tree I tried to kill a week ago in darkroot garden
is actually killable and leads to a secret area
so I make my way there

by running past the guy with a huge Dil as a weapon
that shortcut would be way more apealling with him out of the way but I dont have the guts to kill him

when I get there I kill that damn tree
past it I meet a new type of enemy

I have no idea what they are called but they are fugly (like anything in dark souls is pretty )

Red flat frogs is the closest thing I can do to describe them
soon after 4 of them trap me while im killing a stone knight
so next time I make them attack me first before I wake the stone knight and survive the fight
2 more stone knights and I get my hands on wolfe right
40 poise which is great coz I had like 5 and the ring gives me a cool aura effect

done with that I head back to lower undead burg for a revenge match
and decide not to bother with the group of enemies that killed me last episode at all and head the other direction which turned out to be the proper one
after a few traps by undead assassins (and barely surviving the first trap ) I make it all the way to the boss fight

I traverse the white light

Bam half of my health gone all my stamina gone

Another attack and im dead
wth happened
a bit more wiking and I find that its the capra demons dual handed attack that cant be blocked at low level
so go for a second try
I manage to kill the capra demon
hardly manage
I almost died multiple times and got really lucky with a couple of estus flasks

Then after getting key to the depth from the boss I head to the depths
I kill the few undead and dogs there
kill the 2 butchers
which were really fun mini bosses to fight

Rescue the pyromancer in a barrel (thanks to Toplinkar I rolled into the barrel instead of hitting it with a sword ..though u could have absolved your sins ,toplinkar and he would have talked to you u didnt need to wait till the next pyro )

reach the sewers part
and meet a new enemy
the big black blob that falls from the roof and eats u for a while
first one I meet almost kill me
knowing that those things exists now I walk with my camera alterating between down and up
after killing a few of those I reach the bonfire I rest there and level up
going ahead I find a large rat I want to kill the rat
no clue where to go I keep trying to get to him and failing
lost in the sewers a while I fall down a trap
meet my first cursed frog down there and kill him still lost I find my self at the bonfire again
so I take a 1 hour break
back from my break I decide to try another route since the route I took last time has a trap
bam another trap and this time I fall into 2 frogs instantly cursed and dead
I head in the wrong direction as fast as I can
back to firelink shrine
from there I head to the church of the undead
get killed by the balder knight there multiple times
when I finally kill him I get to the bell of the undead and buy a purging stone to cure my self from the damned curse
I then head back to firelink shrine talk to the pyro I saved and upgrade my pyromancers flame twice and call it a night
ps: yes rather uneventful day ill try to make next time more fun
and hey if I actually finish the depths I will reach blight town which im sure will be fun with all the damned frame drops XD

YOU DIED: EPISODE 2 : Showing Off

YOU DIED..the tale of a poor pyromancer who finds himself inLordran the most unforgiving place in gaming (V2.0 for those of you who remember that demon souls exists)

EPISODE 2 : Showing Off

So a couple of days ago my friend was at my place
and since Ive been nagging him to try dark souls he asked me to show him the game
so I loaded my save I was in dark root garden the only thing I had left there was the trap surrounding a corpse with loot
I had attempted that a day before and failed
so I head there aggro the 3 bushes and the 2 stone knights (then another stone knight while im running away)
get my souls back loot the corpse ands start running away towards the bonfire
when I reach the tight corridor I turn around and think why not

And start throwing fireballs at them while they run at me one at a time
after a few fire balls I go in for melee kill the bushes and a stone knight
2 stone knights didnt follow so I go and try to kill them
and obviously die
so after I get up I go get my souls without aggroing anyone and consider this area cleared I decide to sho w my friend the secret passage to darkroot basin that I found earlier
I got there and notice to the right a tower with a locked door
to which I have the key I open it and walk inside shield up for surprises
what I didnt have in mind was surprise butsecks
cos as the camera turned around
I met havel

He quickly one shot me
I should have been pissed

But I was laughing

And laughing

So hard I fell on the floor

So was my friend


Coz his weapon just looks like a big black rubber dil.(well you know)

So I decide to leave the tower alone
and go towards the main area
I kill all the stone giants
and walk forward a bit and get hit by a giant water spit
I walk a bit and in the distance I see a bazillion necks coming out of a lake and I start running like a mad man in the other direction
I decide to try my luck with MR Im holding a dil in my hand

I know where he is this time so I dodge his attack and hit him
when my drake sword that does ~50-100 damage to bosses does 16 damage to him
I dodge out of the tower and start running up the hill back to the garden
my friend is very amused of my bravery

I decide to go to lower undead burg
so I head back to the church of the undead and take the elevator to firelink
reach the bonfire in undead burg
when I reach the black knight I decide to kill him (because I thought we was guarding the way into the lower levels of undead burg )
first try
I was fighting him and my friend tells me
than if I keep backstepping his attacks I will fall to my death so I try to turn around him
I get killed

Try #2
I find out pyromances help but no idea why I died

Trying to kill all the hollow soldiers fast I almost die a few times
and I really die another time
my friend is very amused of my skills
try #3
I had one hit to die he had one hit to die
I see an opening I strike
he parries

I die
try #4 I focus on pyromancies
and pulling him up the stairs when he is almost dead
I find myself burning I was like what za fook
did he just deflect my attack
but no it was one of the hollow soldiers on the roof I forgot to kill
he got me stuck in a corner

And with a black knight on my ass

I died
I clear the entire second half of undead burg

Even the ones in houses


And I finally manage to kill him I feel super excited

I disappointed that he isnt guarding the way to lower undead burg

But im excited again when I find he was guarding a ring coz I dont have any rings equipped
and feel like crap again when the ring is a piece of junk

I move forward to the tower where the first boss fight was
and see a door I forgot about
im like that could lead to lower undead burg
I open the door and keep heading down
and down
when I reach the first floor and take a look and the ground floor and see havel running at me with his dil..
I turn around and run like the freaking wind

my friend is on the floor laughing at my bravery
finally I find the path to lower undead burg I kill a bunch of dogs no problem see a bunch of undead with no cloth im I go to them and try to hit them
bad idea the light their torches and turn me into hollow undead kabab
and that is where my poor pyromances souls lie to this day


YOU DIED : Episode 1

YOU DIED..the tale of a poor pyromancer who finds himself inLordran the most unforgiving place in gaming (V2.0 for those of you who remember that demon souls exists)

Episode 1 :The prologue
so i was chatting with Gamer_4_Fun today about dark souls and he said they he thought about writing a dairy about his adventures in dark souls

i totally just stole his idea for this blog series

so let the fu...death begin :

well i started playing the game last week and since im not an elephant i can't really remember everything and thus I cant tell u every thing

but i can tell you this :

-when i started the game finished the asylum area(tutorial area)

got the firelink shrine talked to the guy who told me about the 2 bells

i accidently hit him when he didnt retaliate I thought Id try my weapons on him
somehow after a few hits he equipped a new shiny armor a huge shield and sword and killed me with one shot
few one shots later I find out that I do have to replay the whole tutorial again if I want to play the game
the most welcoming first 30 mins of any game Ive played so far :P

I fought my way through undead burg and undead perish and up to yesterday I had just rang the first bell of the undead and reached darkroot garden
and killed the butterfly
now I can start the diary part but I wont today
im going to go sleep so tomorrow I shall tell u about my latest adventure when I was showing off the game to my friend :P

PS:I promise the next one will be more organized and more entertaining as I will try to write them just after finishing my gaming session
PSS:if youve read this far then I must be doing something right and I shall see you again tomorrow

Quake Con Frag Finder

go away

sorry about the bad edges used trace bitmap and turned it into vector graphics
forget that messes up edges and realized that too late


ya i water-marked it sue me

Blog v0.1 Creativity and Fun in Games

this is my first attempt at a blog so go easy on me

so i recently played Resistance 3
and that game was really fun
original ,no it had too many familiar aspects from HL2
but it was still fun .loads of fun

how come its fun and every other CoD clone out there is boring as F***?
its simple
it copied from the proper game
when u copy crap u have crappier crap
when u copy the right stuff from a master piece
u have crappy master piece=awesomeness

what can we take from this

Games don't have to be 100% original to be fun a little creativity and copy the right stuff form somewhere else and u have a winner
so if anyother game out there wants to copy HL2 or Portal or some other masterpiece go ahead u have my full support


some of the similarities if anyone is interested
1-there is a mine level where u kill zombies/ferals
2- that chapter ends with u running away from a big boss hiding in the smaller tunnels it can't reach
3-there is an entire city where no one lives but zombies/ferals
4-it ends in an important Alien buliding that is dark with blue all over the place

5-An old rundown prison filled with enemies from the humaniod side and the zombies/ferals side
6-Guns have secondry fire
sure Resistance 3 actaully has more creative weapons
but overall thats the only point of pure creativity it has the awesome arsenal you have


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