after playing the game for about 2.5 - 3 hours, I am into chapter 6, and the game is getting notably more difficult (and i'm only on normal difficulty). I have collected a handfull of treasures, and have yet to unlock anything truely special yet. But let me tell you.. This game is just.. FUN. VERY. FUN. So far the balance between shooting and platforming seems just about perfect, and though there are some *very* minor graphical glitches, and some (hardly noticeable) screen tearing, the overall experience is just awesomely fun so far. And the story is chugging along VERY nicely. It is well integrated into the story, and theres already been a few stylish twists that make it very movie like!
AAA IMO!!! (9.0)
EDIT: I can't believe I forgot to mention the obvious: This has to be the most beautiful game I have seen to date. Whether or not it is the console graphics king is to be decided by the beholder, but to me, this is the only game that actually made me stop, and just stare at the scenery, going "Wow.. that is beautiful".0rin
Right now Uncharted wipes the floor with most games i played on 360 and PS3.. It is that good! I could give two tiny wet farts what the review rates it.. Gamersince81
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