@impact455: It's sad when most competitive multiplayer games are so toxic these days, personally I still enjoy Rainbow Six Siege, but it is still unfortunate when people have to ruin the game for other players.
@sellingthings: And that is fine, your opinion is fine. I am just pointing out that overall these awards are not going to do much for you, so why should you really care. Me personally I couldn't give a shit if they found a steam game that came out so broken and unplayable, but some how managed to win game of the year. If people want to play the game, oh well! Might not be my preference, but hell military taught me that my opinion really doesn't matter either way.
@CreXONe: It's just because people can't handle if their game wasn't picked for first place in a competition that is supposed to mean very little to them.
@BoxOfPocky: I am never surprised by the amount of salt these Game of the Year titles generate. The title itself really means very little, I could care less which game wins it.
Thing is, that is your opinion. There are lots of people that love Overwatch that would beg to differ. I guarantee you that many of the games you like to play are hated as well.
Meteor7's comments