well I could try, but I have a debitcard and I have the money but I need the thumbs up. from her.randyypuWell once again it's far more profane than Red Dead. There's a lot of mature content such as drug references, criminal mischief, sexual themes, violence, etc. If mom is level headed then I see no problem in asking, but if she's a little overprotective than you'll just have to wait until you're older.
MetsuHadoken123's forum posts
Just forget about trophies and enjoy the game. That's what I do and I find games to be a whole lot more enjoyable.NerdyDonutI get more enjoyment out of games BECAUSE of the trophies/ achievements. The sole reason I play through games more than once is so I can obtain all of the trophies/ achievements. I remember a while back there was a huge debate that trophies/ achievements were ruining games, and in retrospect that was absolute nonsense. They're there to ante up replay value and for bragging rights for completing small in game challenges and sometimes that means playing through a game more than one time which is what developers want. I for one don't appeal to reason because if a game is horrible than it's horrible and I don't bother playing more just to attain a few extra tokens.
i hope not the first MUA was awesome but then activision ruined the series with part 2 in with story, gameplay,characterselbert_b_23Isn't that what ActiVision does best? They bought the rights to Guitar Hero and now it's been axed while Rock Band is still holding strong. They milked the Tony Hawk franchise so much that no one even cares for it anymore. Call of Duty is following that same pattern. I hate ActiVision to be honest.
Is GTA IV worse then RDR undead nightmare? b/c I really want it and I am not going to become a killer from it, or a carjacker, or a drug head, so what do you think, and I have RDR undead nightmare, I should get for being able to spell nightmare lol jk, but I mean rating not gameplay worse.randyypuI don't think there is a single cohesive thought in all of this mumble jumble, but I do understand that you're asking if GTA IV is better than Undead Nightmare and could we recommend it. I can confidently recommend GTA IV because it has much to offer, and while it's far more profane than RDR it's still a great game. The obvious difference is era, but RDR was made with a little more TLC and it's noticeable. Also, considering GTAIV is dirt cheap it's well worth picking up.
Those blast shards were so incredibly easy to find that if you didn't platinum the first game BECAUSE of the blast shards than it's because you're just too impatient and don't enjoy your games as much as you should. Just my opinion though.[QUOTE="MetsuHadoken123"][QUOTE="killerband55"]
i'm guessin you platinumed part 1 right?
and thats all it is, your opinion
I'm just having trouble wrapping my head around what kind of problem you could have possibly encountered to prevent you from finding all of the blast shards. Time restraints perhaps? Well it's none of my business but for whatever reason it's really simple to find all of the blast shards it just takes a little patience is all I'm saying.
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