@akhirahim: Why is this arrogance? Sure if there's no PC in your home and you're buying a new PC from scratch then you have to pay for extra things, but how many of these people are there? I've been using the same case and HDD for over 8 years now, even though I've upgraded a lot of the other parts at my PC. No need to replace things that don't really affect performance that much (like a case) if the old one works just fine.
I don't understand what the fuss is about. I was really hyped after the initial trailer, but after some more gameplay previews and some checking, it was pretty obvious to me that this game gets old fast and doesn't have much content (in my opinion). The reviews said the exact same things I understood from the trailers. Was it really that hard for people to see what this game is about?
@gvt2000: Look, if you go straight to the assumption that every single employee on the face of the earth will cheat and manipulate whenever they can just to maximize their profits all the time, then yes you are totally correct. Fact is, there are people like that.
But I didn't completely write off humanity like you, and I know some people, while wanting to provide for themselves, still want to make good products and please their clients because they care about what they do(I'm one of them btw).
@gvt2000: I know it sounds ridiculous, but some people actually like their jobs, even while getting payed to do it. So they don't purposely sabotage or delay their own projects because they actually want to make something and make money of it too. Making money and creating something doesn't have to contradict each other.
Wow Tachyon: The Fringe, haven't heard that name in over a decade. I don't remember anything about it besides that it was an ok game, but more importantly had Bruce Campbell voicing the lead character.
I love how Poland is so proud and supportive of its video game development pioneer. In my country they tried raising a video game development market in the 90's during the adventure games era, but it didn't pick up too well and it seemed to have died down since then. I keep hoping that the Witcher's international success would have convinced someone to invest in it again.
@dorog1995: You are comparing FPS/TPS with an RPG so it's not really fair. I agree KoToR's story, besides the the nice plot twist, is rather generic, but it's a very well made game with some interesting characters, good gameplay and fun side quests. Also had great graphics and animations for its time. I personally liked KoToR 2 much more though.
I feel so bad that this great franchise is in the hands of such a crappy distributor. Everything that offers character advancement items as part of a preorder just shows to me that isn't for my kind of crowd. I'll wait for the story missions to come out before buying this game, even though I really want to play it. If it wasn't for this kind of crap I would've preordered this game months ago.
Mevrick's comments