@whatsazerg: I agree that it wasn't terrible, but it was definitely forgettable. It's a movie where you leave the theater and forget you were even there the next day.
Not really sure why you're quoting video game movie tips from the director who has made one of worst ones? Kinda ruins his credibility in actually knowing what he's talking about. I hope the movie will be a success and encourage film makers to make better movies like this, but they should keep their over confidence in check or it might blow up in their faces.
I wonder why they keep details on Titan in the dark now that it's cancelled. We saw the gameplay of Starcraft: Ghost and Warcraft: Adventures, who were both canceled as well, so why not show some of what Titan was supposed to be just to get the idea on what was lost.
@Mevrick: I don't know much about hacking, but I doubt it that just anyone who downloads some crap from the internet can disrupt a secured internet service.
Great stuff! Reminds me when I saw Elias Toufexis, who voices Adam Jensen from Deus Ex, playing the game and adding more funny lines and commentary for his character.
Although Blizzard was like the CD Projekt Red of the late 90's and then became a rather greedy company in the mid 00's, they're still unmatched in terms of support for their games. I remember Starcraft 1 still getting updates and new maps 6 years after release, and Diablo 3's updates all add up to a full fledged free expansion. It shows even more if they open a whole department just to support their older games. I'd love to see HD versions of the older Warcraft and Starcraft games, or at least support for higher resolutions and such.
I completely agree with Peter. I won't pay for something I don't really know what's going to be in it, even if it's for games that I'm highly anticipating. Witcher 3 and XCOM 2 are examples of games that I counted the days until they came out, and I pre-ordered them both (I very rarely pre-order games). However, I didn't pay extra for any of their DLCs, despite having enjoyed the games for hundreds of hours already. I'll wait until they finish their DLC plans, or at least give better descriptions of what they add, before I buy anything.
I can understand pre-ordering something after you've seen trailers, gameplay videos, screenshots etc. But paying just for the idea of extra content is just silly in my opinion.
Mevrick's comments