@Tixylixx I still get excited from game trailers. Star Citizen impressed me a whole lot and the first Watch Dogs trailer as well. But what I meant in the comment is that MGS3 impressed me for a reason - it's gameplay, which seemed very unique and unlike any other game. But this looked like a rather generic 3rd person shooter.
I remember 10 years ago watching the MGS3 E3 trailer. 10 minutes of pure silence - Snake creeping around trees and low flora, slowly stalking soldiers who are ironically out to hunt him. Silently taking out a patrol one by one using sheer silence, the environment and a knife, without anyone else in the patrol ever noticing. My jaw dropped to the floor from that trailer.
And then there's this. This could be a great game, but for me it seems(for now) as a disappointment.
@noandno @Mevrick But wasn't the point of MGS not to engage in huge fights, but rather duck and hide if it happens(Unless it's some very specific plot related event)?
I'm really not trying to be offensive, but doesn't this whole video negate the MGS gameplay concept? I only played MGS 1,2 and 3, and I remember that trying to fight a whole base like that would have gotten you killed in 5 seconds.
@jcplglob I agree, although there are companies here and there that still try to push pc graphics. The Witcher 2 made me wow as well, and I hope Star Citizen will too.
Kevin, I think it's important to also refer to the end game content when reviewing MMOs, since it's one of the main reasons people keep\stop playing them. Great review anyways!
@MAGIC-KINECT Well, while I do think that tablet games and the like is utter crap, profit is relative to the production cost. Considering GTA V cost around 250 million dollars to make, that means that they now made 4 times their investment. But, if it costs 10 million dollar(for example) to make a tablet game and it makes 150 million, then they earned 15 times their investment, which basically is much much more profitable(Even though it overall made almost 10 times less than GTA).
Mevrick's comments