Didn't your other topic mention reviews specifically?
Well, anyway. I feel the number of people online in an online game is important. More important in some than others, but important nonetheless. If no one's ever online, it can really suck the fun out of online play.
If a game is If it's not popular game, and nobody's playing it online, you're not going to have much fun online. If it's pointed out in a review that few people play it online, you can use that information. You can decide not to get the game because no one plays it online, or you can make sure your friends get it, so you have someone else to play with when no one else is playing it.
I can understand the way you're thinking, but as far as I know professional reviewers should avoid giving non-constructive criticism. By that I mean the number of people online isn't something that can be changed though making the game different (as in a sequel). In fact, it's more dependant of the game's advertising, giving an unfair advantage to companies with a lot of money.
Also, like I said, it's a constantly changing variable. One reviewer can post a review complaining about the lack of people online, then people start organizing guilds and the number increases. Or in cases like Crysis, where a lot of people used to go online, but now it's getting hard to find any.
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