I disagree with fighters, with better in cases and faster versions of games like SF and Mortal Kombat most importantly, you have these exclusive fighters:I love both, but I'd go for the Genesis, ironic part, I'm not that big of a fan of Sonic.
For example I think Sonic 1 is really good and Sonic 3+Knuckles is awesome, but Super Mario World is much better, but I still prefer the Genesis.
To me, Shadowrun on the Genesis is the best 16 bit game ever made, so ahead of it's time that to this day it does things that even current generation WRPGs don't my 2nd favourite 16 bit game is super metroid. From that point on it becomes a close battle between the Genesis and the SNES with the Genesis winning a minor lead.
For example: (Blue Favours Sega, red Favours Nintendo)
I prefer Castlevania Bloodlines over Super Castlevania 4 (TBH I find Super Castlevania 4 a pretty boring game)I prefer Contra hardcorps over Contra 3I think Final Fantasy 6 is the best JRPG of it's time with Chrono Trigger, Phantasy Star 4 and Shining Force 2 fighting for 2nd placeI think Streets of Rage 2 is the best beat' em up of it's timeKiller Instinct is a better fighting game then any exclusive Genesis fighter imo I much prefer the Genesis fast paced SHMUPS over the SNES ones (though I do love UN Squadron)I think Actraiser is the best Action Adventure game on the 16 bit consoleumm.. what else...
Oh, I know it's a guilty pleasure, but I love D&D: Warriors of the Eternal SunI also don't really count games like Dune 2, Wolfenstein 3D, Doom or Sim City or Might and Magic because I'd much rather play them on the PCrilpas
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