Cleric :D
Mikako's forum posts
how's AC3 so far?
This is kind of off topic but how to get the coin in the second boss fight?
This video isn't mine so...
I can say I'm pretty much satisfied with the 2 games i have on my Vita.
Dokuro and ragnarok odyssey
What the hell is this :/ I was looking forward to the MP in this gamebeanz777
who doesnt @_@
oh $39.99 I'm so not gonna spend you now.
really disappointing...
maybe that's why they don't "reveal" it coz it will lost our interest on the game. Guess I have to wait for their next release then.
Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology
Star Ocean
Mana khemia
Thanks for posting this, Mikako. I'd seen a few screenshots of Dokuro and thought it looked interesting, and then when it came out the other week I was surprised because it was so sudden. I was just going to put it on the backburner and read up on it some more later, but now that you've posted this I think I have a better grip on what Dokuro is about.
I think I'd like to get it at some future date. In a way it kind of reminds me of ICO, except sidescrolling and more puzzle-centric.
getting really hooked up on this game actually XD
MMO on ipad sucks the controls is really a pain
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