Ahh, Sept. 6. People returning from trips and stuff from Labor Day, and also today marks MY LAST DAY OF FREEDOM! GOD THAT SUCKS! Oh well. School will go fast, and before you know it it will be done. Another short entry.
MikeKiller1212 signing off.
Ahh, Sept. 6. People returning from trips and stuff from Labor Day, and also today marks MY LAST DAY OF FREEDOM! GOD THAT SUCKS! Oh well. School will go fast, and before you know it it will be done. Another short entry.
MikeKiller1212 signing off.
Ahh, Labor Day. As I enjoy this holiday I think to myself, 2 days before school starts. I wish summer was longer, but oh well. This is another short entry.
MikeKiller1212 signing off.
I only have 3 days till school starts; but I'm not worried, as most of the time it goes by quickly. This entry is short. Oh well.
MikeKiller1212 signing off.
Today marks the 3rd of Sept. I have only 4 days left of freedom, but I shall make the most of them. I hope my teachers are nice; The funny thing is, one of my teachers names is "Motherhead" :lol: But, I've heard he's a nice guy. But, then I have a teacher called Mrs. Hudock. (Who-Dock) I've heard she's really mean and an old woman. :? I'm hoping to get Battlefront 2 and a ATI Graphics card for my computer. That would pwn. Well, this concludes yet another journal entry.
MikeKiller1212 signing off.
Today marks the end of August and the beginning of September. Personally, I just hope my school teachers are nice, and the year goes by quick. I wonder why most Video Game companies publish games while kids are in school; Why not market them while we're on vacation? Oh well.
MikeKiller1212 signing off.
I have 8 days till my school starts. I hope I meet some nice people, and I hope the teachers aren't like this :arrow: :twisted: As I wait, I wonder: How much homework will I have? Will I have a nice Teacher? Will the students be brainwashed into doing wierd things? Oh, well.
Mikekiller1212 signing off.
In a few days I go back to school. :cry: I swear: School is just evil brainwashing propaganda in order for adults to control kids. Makes you think! :shock: Also, why are more schools cutting vacation short? :question: Because they want us to learn! :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: I like school, but it gets old after a while.
And homework! God, whoever invented homework should crawl under a rock and die. Now this may sound a bit much, :roll: but sometimes we get 2-3 hours of homework! :shock: :cry: Plus, thats 2-3 less video game time! :cry: :cry: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: I
wish summer was longer. *sigh* Oh well.
Mikekiller1212 signing off.
Dear Journal,
Today I got a Nintendo DS (dual screen) :D and I am very happy about that. Also, I updated my gamefly settings to include my Nintendo DS. My first game for it will be Nintendogs, where you can own your own puppy, which (hopefully! :!: ) will never die. I can't wait for this game, as it will be my first full game. (My other game was a demo for Metroid Prime : Hunters which came with it. Cool, a freebie! 8) ) Also, if I get it before the 26th, I can take it with me to Laughlin, which would be awsome! :P ) I've got to go but will be back.
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