Millencolin543's forum posts
NOT counting going behind the barriers on the bridge at the beginning of the game... What is the easiest way to get a 6 star wanted level? Any tips? I seem to be able to get to 4 pretty easily...after that, i feel like i gotta blow up a building or something for the extra 2...
Thanks in advance.
"Green Grass and High Tides" by the Outlaws on Expert... Does anyone have any tips for this song. I can get 80% of the way through it and into the super fast solo part in the middle of the second solo, and then i fall apart. And im sure the only answer really is "practice makes perfect" but like...seriously should i solo on the solo buttons? should i mash the top buttons and hope for the best? Any tips?
thanks in advance.
It unlocks
If some levels are to hard on veteran go and finish it on hard.
Thats the answer i was after...thanks. Im gonna try to pull off the whole campaigin on veteran, but incase i get stuck on a mission on veteran...beating that mission on hard will atleast let me keep my sanity.
Ok so...quick question for you COD4 people... The achievement "Deep and Hard," in which you have to defeat the campaign on either Hardened or Veteran difficulty, can i get this achievement if i lets say... have a few missions beat on hardened and a few beaten on veteran? As long as every mission is completed on either hardened or veteran will i unlock that sucka? Or do i really need to start ALL over and go through the ENTIRE campaign again on one of the difficulties...
I ask this because i have a few missions already finished on veteran, and if i can just finish out the rest of the game on hardened for that achievement well..that'd make my life a little easier.
Thanks in advance!
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