I think games like that should come with a disclaimer in the manual: 'Killing someone will not make them fall over and disappear.'
MindsEye's forum posts
I remember playing Mike Tyson's Punch Out! on the NES when I was 7 or 8 years old. Back then I could get to the final boss- Mike Tyson. But I could never beat Mike Tyson. A few years ago when I was about 26 or 27 I played the game again. Unfortunately I couldn't beat Super Macho Man and I couldn't even get to Mike Tyson. So it appears that after about 19 years of gaming my skills have depreciated.
There is quite literally zero empirical evidence that violent media causes those who watch it to become violent and there is certainly no data to suggest people who watch pornography could potentially become sexual predators.
There have been some supposed "links" found in regards to violent media, but these studies are far from conclusive and provide no actual proof of anything.
What's interesting is that people always look to media as a form of causation, never bothering to consider that a person already predisposed to violence is naturally going to watch and play violent media.Then when that person does something violent others claim a film, song or game propelled them to do so, which is fallacious reasoning and faulty logic.
Also, sex offenders kill people all the time.
I would like to add my perspective about the results of the studies. You can create a study to find results to support any position you want to make and show it in a different light. Often times the conclusion of the study is a function of who is ultimately funding the study. And often times a financially interested party is the one 'buying' the study. Of course the ones making a profit off of violent content in various ways has an interest in whether it is believed that violent images begets violence. In other words science is for sale. Money makes the world go round, and the answer to 99 out of 100 questions is money. That's true in politics and the media too.
It's a pretty iffy subject.
One hand, I think sexuality and nudity is much less harmful than violence; Sexuality is often times a very natural, positive thing that almost everyone experiences.
But on the other hand, the way that porn portrays sexuality is very distorted in harmful ways. It often time normalizes the sexist and abusive content porn usually contains.
Porn on the other hand isn't so easy to distinguish, if you're watching two people have intercourse on film, and especially if it's not something you have experienced, it's not so clear that that's not the way it actual (should) happen.
Say BlueDuck I would like to pick your brain for a second. What good/bad value judgment would you have of a pornographic film showing intercourse in a way that you deemed natural and positive?
In my opinion porn is not bad. As for violent video games: If you don't like them, than don't play them. I guess I don't havea strong opinion about them.
My cousin emailed me a website address to a video game store that he thought was too good to be true. I took a look at the website and I agree with him. It looks like a scammer. But on the off chance someone ordered from this site I would be interested to hear what happened. The site is vggate.com.
Right now I am playing3 different games and I think that is a reasonable limit for me. I like to complete everything there is to do in a game including the hardest difficulties and all the extras. So if I start to get frustrated with a game because of the difficult I just move onto the next game and come back to it later. When I come back I am fresh and I enjoy the challenge again. This seems to work for me so that I always enjoy playing and I get the most out of my games since I get the most 'replay' value and playing hours by completing all difficulty levels and extras. Plus I havethe satisfaction of mastery of the game, since I did all there was to do.
I like sexy games, but I'm as not always into the violent gory games.The non-stop violence can get a bit boring and old in games and movies. On the other hand sexy games light me up. If I had my druthers I would exchange some of the violence for sex in my games. I hear Europe is more into sex and less into violence. Here in the United States -where I live -it is the opposite. People love the violence and shun the sex.
I don't bother to read or watchthe previews. But I definately read and watch the reviews. But if you open a gaming magazine, you will find the preview section generally given as much space if not more than the review section (so there is definately demand for previews). I think people like to watch the previews since it is easier to anticipate a game in a positive light while reading a preview than reading a critical review. They can look forward to the game with joy since the game is not out yet and there is nothing negative to focus on (the game could turn out to be fantastic or poor - it could be anything). That can be kind of fun. While a review points out the positive AND negative aspects of the game.With the negative pointed out it is not as easy to get that excited anticipation. It is like anticipating Christmas morning as a kid. Looking forward to that day was asexciting as playing with your new toys after you open them in a way. Personally I just focus on what is out already, and I don't worry about what is coming. I'll put my attention on it after it is released. Not trying to say that is better, it is only my preference.
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