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Help Me

l'm in a spiral of drugs that flow in my veins.

l'm drowning in a pool of alcohol that unleashes the dark side of me.

l'm coughing in a cloud of smoke that eating at my lungs and heart.

l don't know what to do.

Should l get help or fight it on my own?

Will l be remembered or fade away from friends' and family's minds?

Should l turn to God or will he turn me away too?

One thing for sure is that l need help.

Help Me.

Guess the songs.

Guess these songs.


  1. HWTH
  2. SWTH
  3. WWR
  4. SOD
  5. BID
The bands are AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Avenged Sevenfold, Arch Enemy, and MegaDeth.(Not in order)

We're screwed if a nuclear war happens.

Heres a pic of Castle Bravo going off

that was 50 years ago. This was US most powerful nuke at the time.

If Russia attacks us with nukes are are SCREWED. There nukes are 2 or 3 times more powerful.

Theres only a 11 year differents between the 2 nukes.This is a Russia nuke being tested. We're still in a race to build the most powerful bomb or missle with them. :|

Here a chart for you people who can't see the differents in the pics.

Do Graphics kill the game?

Lets take a 1992 game Doom and 2005 game F.E.A.R. Now Doom didn't use the latest graphics back then but it replaced that with FUN. F.E.A.R used the latest graphics at the time of 05 sure it had shadowing, great AI, and ok storyline but it missed one thing wait 2 things FUN and more enemies. Did graphics kill the game l think? Yes it did.