average street thugs running around the US with RPG's, Stinger missiles? attack choppers?? sorry, the police would have next to nothing to do with it a long time ago, every other large agency, and likely the military, would have snuffed these dudes out within the first 24 hours..... and not bat an eye, since they would be considered terrorists, not just robbers...
if we are going to take this as far from it as we can go, then at least do a new 2142.....
@mrpelicanpants it is not a sony issue at all... should GE be at fault for making light switches or wiring that ends up being used by a terrorist to make a bomb????
the reality is, even if Sony retained control of it, every game made would require that SONY bring in people, to work on each game to specifically run and create code unique to each title that dictates how to use the feature... this is not at all in the ballpark of Sony, who if they had to do something like this would send the bill to the developer/publisher in some way/shape/form.... it is simply an unrealistic concept.
@mrpelicanpants not a sony issue... shareplay is open, it is completely up to the game developers to decide which portions of their title have access and control with shareplay.
@straightcur bungie, it is in their court, shareplay is open, it is completely up to the developers which parts of their games, if any, work with shareplay.
@YellowJello not a PS issue, it is 100% up to the game developers which portions of their game has shareplay control....this, in this particular instance, is 100% under the control of Bungie.
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