Here's my little story from Game Night. I'll have at least video up before tomorrow, hopefully the rest before the weekend as well.
I was hoping to get into some Versus mode games with my friend on split-screen but what instead happened was a whole lot better. The first game I got into was a co-op game with Chris Wattersand Soulreavercross. It wasa little hectic at times since we weren't always the most coordinated but it was a whole lot of fun. Let me just say one thing for Chris, he might be a grizzled old war veteran but he is ridiculously accurate. Even while leading most of the charges with an auto-shotty he still managed to get more kills than me.
But the finale to this campaign was freaking epic even for Normal difficulty. First Louis gets dragged off the top of the safe room leading me to rush into the zombies to kill the smoker holding him. Once he was free I retreated a bit only to hear him get pounced so I quickly made my way over, killed the Hunter and then beat off the zombies before reviving him. Almost immediately after getting him up ANOTHER Hunter took him right off a ladder and incapacitated him while Bill was boomer biled. Shortly after defeating this horde we were attacked by a Tank and ANOTHER FREAKING Hunter. Of course the Hunter made a beeline for Louis but the Tank pimp smacked the Hunter off and started to kill Louis. We all pitched in to save him and retreated to fight off the final wave of the fight. Heck we even got the Tank stuck in a window for an easy kill. However the real trick was the very final part as we waited for the choppa.
While we were standing there pipe bombs were thrown to distract the horde and Louis threw down a molotov to keep the rest at bay. However a Boomer snuck up behind us and, when he died, knocked me off the helipad. It took a quick dash past zombies, both on fire and not, through some flames and back onto the pad all while covered in Boomer bile to escape the level alive. Desperately ignoring the Tank I could hear just behind me might I add. Really good times.
The second game with Chris and CodingGenius this time went a lot better. Death Toll is a much easier level than No Mercy I'm beginning to notice once you get past the wide open areas. That and the sewer level can be a bit rough. But we handled it well. Except for the fact that every single Hunter we came across, especially later on, wanted to eat my face. I was an early warning system for them since they all pounced on me as soon as they saw us.
I had a heck of a time and am definitely looking to participate in more of these. Go GameSpot go!
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