It also bothers me because in halo wikia, master chief is only a inch taller than sarah palmer but in the cg cutscene he is humongous. I mean dont get me wrong, I would rather have master chief much taller than palmer, but the inconsistency irks me...
Mister_korea's forum posts
Nah from what i read from wikia, the librarian genetic "unlocking" didnt change his physical attributes. It only made him invulnerable to the "composer". But she did say she hid few more genetic goodies in him. Apparantly, the librarian created the spartans in an indirect way...
[QUOTE="APiranhaAteMyVa"]If you kept everything it will keep all your files and programs. Depends if you care about what you already had, keep nothing would maybe benefit speed if you had a ton of stuff on there, but if you are going to reinstall it all then it won't really matter.
thanks for the reply! I noticed that my speed didntimprove at all....i still have the eccentricities of windows 7...but good to hear that not much of a benefit doing clean install
As for the windows 7 being better...yeah I agree windows 7 is a lot more intuitive for desktop but I dont mind windows 8 so got a facelift in a way :)
Hey guys I hope I am not starting an already asked thread...please refer me to it if there was already one
So my question there a performance benefit of the "Keep Nothing" upgrade option versus Keep everything option? I currently did the keep everything option and wanted to know if a clean install was better?
Did windows 8 upgrade reinstall all my programs or did it migrate them from os to os? Or did the upgrade just replace some codes?
Thanks guys...
i was looking on the perks list and i found that the ones with the pro are the ones with the "x" pro V
is that it?
hey guys ive been playing modern warfare 2 and i love it so far...
im currently at level 25 and have been upgrading perks...
when do i get to pro?
i mean im currently at Bling Pro IV in challenges but i dont have the bling pro on my perk list
also check out this vid...this ign dude is going real fast with lightweight...i mean like real fast...did he fast forward the vid or what?
ok im considering to buy a notebook (either the macbook unibody white or the 13 pro) and im not really concentrated on gaming (for notebooks that is)
13pro has a lesser brightness than the unibody macbook...however the 13" pro has more color gamut...
1. is more brightness better (350 to 250?)
2. what is more color gamut (like the 13" pro has 60% greater color gramut than the unibody white)
1. gizmodo
2. notebook check
thanks GUYSpleaseHELP!!!
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