I feel we need more offline replay value, more control over certain things (heres looking at you, fight cutscenes), better music/sounds, and a bit more "playground" games like GTA.
Mithost's forum posts
The pokemon series, practically any final fantasy, or the "tales of ______" series is pretty good on the RPG side of things. Try a bunch of different kinds before you drop the genre, seeing that RPGs might just be the biggest time killers the gaming industry has ever seen.
I'm currently pursuing a job in video game development, and I was just wondering what do you find in games that would make you stop playing them, or what you find negatively frustrating in a game? Some examples of mine are "cheap unfair deaths", slow/repetitive game progression, and short career/singleplayer. I cant really call myself a hardcore gamer, so I need some help from some of the people who are. Get in as much detail as you feel is needed.
The nyko products are just as good as the official ones durability/life-span wise. I wish I could have bought all four of my wiimotes as the nykos. They dont look the best, but they are cheaper.
The forums are not made to tell you what you should do. Do some research on both if you need to, then if your still even on them flip a damn coin. Thats how I got the wii.
No matter how many good reviews this game gets, this will still plague this game because some people like to judge it on somebody else's opinion. Sonic Colours might not be the greatest game ever, but that wont be known to everyone until everyone plays it.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, Pheonix Wright 1-3, and pokemon Pearl.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth 2, Paper mario, and Street Fighter IV are currently my must-haves. I am really pooped about the pricetag and release (after christmas), but that means more of my favorites will be launch titles. I hope less of the games will use voice command (20 bucks says OoT will come with an ocarina), as I can find it awkward when playing.
I downloaded the DS demo from nintendo channel, and even that was better than unleashed.
No and its very simple as to why that is the case, there a bunch more MP shooters on the HD consoles, hence hacking and glitching is more of a problem simply because of the greater opportunity for it. Not a hard concept to grasp. There are probably more people hacking MW2 on the 360 than playing The Conduit total. Its far more of an issue on the HD consoles than on the Wii, the more people playing, the greater the chance that cheating dbag will show up. FYI I never ran into a hacker on MK. Sepewrath
If you havent ran into a hacker on MKWii yet, you are the luckiest person alive. These are the people who have a star after you take first from them, redshell before you start, etc.
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