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MjolnirMaster51 Blog

I'm Gold!

Alright, so today I got a month of XBL Gold and next month I'll be getting the year subscription for Christmas. I also changed my gamertag from "Mark the VI" to Mjolnir51, so I should be more recognizable. I'm currently playing Halo 3 with one of my friends, but I can also do Gears, RB6 Vegas, or CoD3. I hope to get CoD4: Modern Warfare sometime soon and will then be open to playing that. See you guys on Live! Send me an invite or something :D

EDIT: I got Modern Warfare on Wednesday, so I'm playing that, too. I'm going to try to beat the single-player campaign first, then check for matches online afterward. Plus, my school is out for Thanksgiving on Wed. 21- Fri. 23, so I'll be free then. And I may have friends over on the 21, so look for me/us then. See you guys on Matchmaking!

Twenty (20)

Level 20! Now comes the really slow daily progress, from what I've heard. Oh, well. I'll just have to learn patience, what with this and the problem with the Players' Ball emblem. But, I know Jody's got a lot of work and I know she's working on getting around to fixing this, so I can wait. Also, I saw the Boondock Saints a few nights ago. That movie is great.

A Fast 18, and TGS

Man, level 18 goes fast. I went from 17 to 18 maybe last Saturday or something, and today I'm a Gitaroo Man. It's pretty sweet. And yeah, Tokyo Games Show is today and tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to that. Although, in Japan, it would be tomorrow and the day after tomorrow (but Jake Gylenhaal isn't invited).

Another cool thing - my school had a dance today, even while in semi-lockdown. Something happened in a nearby county and I guess all the schools in the area were being cautious. I don't know, but what I DO know is that I danced with four girls, and three of those all at once. I'm not gonna explain a lot, but suffice it to say that I danced with two, and then one of those danced with another and that one held my arm while doing so, so that would be three. Yeah, that kind of stuff never happens to me, but today I was just lucky. The only thing that could be considered even better is Halo 3 - IN 5 DAYS!!!

Nothing Dies. Not in Games.

Earlier today I was having a debate with my good friend Jono0 about whether consoles are dying out or not. As a console and occasionally PC gamer, I didn't think that this was true. We talked it over, him saying that console games eventually get ported and emulated to the PC, so what's the point of getting a console if you can have one machine do it all? I was making the point that consoles don't have to be upgraded as frequently, and new ones come out when they're needed and aren't as do-it-yourself when it comes to setting up the parts you want.

That's when I remembered that consoles are really just computers made for playing games. Like with the Odyssey and the Atari. Computers were still in a pretty rough stage and they didn't have such a variety of uses and apps like they do now. So some were developed with the sole purpose of gaming. Arcade machines were made for more complex and detailed games, but those couldn't be brought home, so companies tried using smaller computers to play simpler games at home. When the consoles took off, there became a different market for them, and so it became as if they were completely separate from computers. Over the years, consoles have grown and grown, and so have computers, into what they are today. And people consider them different entities when the only thing that really differs in them is their designed purposes. PCs are made to perform a huge variety of functions, and gaming is just one of them. Consoles are made to play games and have a few other things that they can do on the side. And don't worry. I'm going somewhere with this, I think....

My point in all this is that while console gaming may have dominated the mid- to late-90's and early 00's, and some have said not too long ago that PC gaming was dying out, PC gaming is being reinvigorated by new titles such as S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Spore, and the games are not just ports and Microsoft Flight Simulator like they used to be. Consoles may be on the rise as well. With what Nintendo's doing with the Wii, home console gaming should not be getting drab anytime soon. But one thing that has seen a definite decline is arcades. With arcade games having versions made to be played at home, no one has had really any reason to enter an arcade unless they get bored at the mall while their mom is in Sears. However, arcades have been reportedly on the rise as of late. So how could something so seemingly outdated make a comeback? Nostalgia. Gamers must be some of, if not THE, most nostalgic people in the world. We remember something that we loved and we like to revisit it. I myself have been meaning to play MGS2 again for some time, because that is one of the greatest games I've ever played. Although I'm not old enough to be a member of the arcade generation, I'm sure that the people who are have fond memories of it. When someone in the game industry recalls something from the past that they loved, they like to see if they can bring it back or at least pay homage to it and raise interest. So, because of this and probably some other reasons, arcades may come back, not to what they were before, but I highly doubt they will ever die.

The same goes for consoles. If the market for consoles were to ever die down, and many people not buy them anymore (something that is definitely not going to happen anytime soon), they may remain in a sort of stasis until someone remembers how much fun they were and does something to bring them back. If someone is nostalgic for something, they hate to see it go away, and gamers of all kinds are nostalgic.

Another thing I recently realized, while writing the second paragraph in fact, is that, as computers branched off into home consoles, the process seems to be coming full circle. With modern technology, consoles are being made to do so much stuff, that they seem to be turning into little computers devoted not just to games anymore, but to entertainment in general. This will not come as a surprise to a lot of people, as it actually seems kind of obvious to a certain degree. Of course, consoles will never become full-fledged computers, because, seriously, no one wants to see a tournament that consists of two people trying to outdo each other in PowerPoint. But game systems are becoming much more than just that. They are now entertainment hubs for the entire house. Interactive worlds, tv shows, and streaming music. All available in one place (for the right price, that is).

So, the point of all this is that, like everything else in this world, nothing ever truly dies in the world of gaming. True, some things may die down, but they never die. Hope you guys liked my first real editorial. Feel free to shout at me for getting something wrong :)

Fuel for Gaming, but Gamespot Still Can't Run Broadcasts On Time

Mountain Dew Game Fuel is out!!!! And it's good. The only problem is that I couldn't find the 24 oz. bottles, so I ended up buying two 2-liters instead. So now I have nothing to energize me through school. :(

I watched the Madden Launch Coverage last night. And I must say that it was not worth the wait. The 20-30 minute wait that was beheld by all those thinking that it started at 6 P.M. Pacific / 9 P.M. Eastern. Once again, the comments were rithe with complaints and jokes, of which I was a part, mainly because I am sick of it.:x They should be able to anticipate this, seeing as how it happens all the time. I know it is hard running all of that and coordinating it, but I wish they could actually notify us of what's going on and not leave us in the dark.

That is all for this short blog. I just felt like writing it, so here it is, although to be at this point you have probably already read it. School is fine in case anyone was wondering, btw.

P.S. BioShock demo = Awesomeness (my new favorite word) !!!!!!!! :D

Today Was My First Day of School - Yay..... :(

Yeah, I had to go back today. My year starts in early August and ends in late May. About 3 weeks off for Christmas is nice, but it's not enough. I'm a Junior this year, so I'm pretty excited. When we got to our lockers, there were already locks on half of them so everyone had to go to the office and get them to take them off :P Not me, I just carried everything in my backpack. But I've gone the last 2 years on the bottom row of lockers, and I'm tired of it, so I'm either going to have them take the lock off, or give me a top locker. Anyway, I pretty much get first period off for the first month because I'm taking History 1 at the community college and they don't start until August 27th or so. It counts as both high school and college credit, so that's good, and I only take it Mondays and Wednesdays. So, I can either sleep in or go early and hang out the other 3 days. As for other classes, I have Pre-Calculus 2nd period, Advanced Visual Art (Art III) 3rd, and U.S. Government and Economics 4th, which is a senior-level class. I have other classes next semester, just PE, English, World History, and Chemistry, so this might be an interesting year. Sorry, but I won't be able to get online as much as now. Unless of course I disregard my homework........ GameSpot > homework

The Union is Up!

As of August 1, 2007, The Modern Gamers' Union has formed. It's off too a good start, with about 27 members so far and several people posting in the forums. And a lot of people seem enthusiastic about having roles in the union and reporting on the different aspects of the gaming community. So far we have 3 people working on Xbox news, two on Nintendo, two on Sony, and one on PC. If you are a member and would like a "job", just say so and we'll find you one. So things seem to be going pretty well, and I hope that they will get even better as time passes. If you are on my friends list but did not get an invite, you are probably at the maximum number of union, 30, that you can join. So, if you would like join, you would have to leave another union. Sorry, but I don't make the rules. And one more thing: Although GS won't allow co-leadership, Jono0 has the unofficial title of co-leader, because the idea and premise for the union belongs to both of us, and it may not have even gotten started if it were not for him urging me every day to start it. So, that's pretty much what's going on with that. See you guys around, hopefully as recruits :P

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