I am currently on the Season's Unending Quest in the main story line. I need to talk to Ulfric Stormcloak. I am also at the very begining of The Jagged Crown quest in the Stormcloaks storyline. Every time I try to talk to Ulfirc he says I need to be in in Korvanjund and does not give me the option to invite him to the peace confrence. In order for me to go to Korvanjund I have to talk to Galmar, but every time I interact with him, he just says that he cant believe I convinced Ulfric to go to the peace confrence. I never convinced im too so now I cannot advance in 2 storylines.
I am trying to get the Amulet of Mara, and do that the priestess has me going on a quest. It says that I need to talk to Klimmek or Bassianus, but I have talked to both of them and the objective will not complete.
Im trying to find a clan 2 join on MW3 so if u want me 2 join send me a invite PSN: JXROB357 OR im looking for people to join my clan i just started called E.N.V.Y (EVERY NOOB VS YOU) i want to rank it up... IF YOU WANT TO JOIN GIVE ME YOUR PSN AND ILL SEND U A INVITE ON ELITEjxrob357
Why dont you try ou for The /Prestige. We are an elite clan with 100 something members. If you are interested I can tell you who to message on PSN
The trophies in this game will not unlock for me. I have even upgraded to premium status and none of them will unlock.
Were you a premium member prior to when the trophies were supposed to unlock or did you expect them to unlock instantly once you became a premium member?
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