If i could wirte what i trul wanted to write id prolly be banned. But this skinnny jean wearing **** is whats ruining hip hop right now. There is not one redemming quialit that makes this guys music good. Sure i could listen ot it for a laugh. But when i see that this guy has actuall fans SMH to the millionth diegree.
Please if your a fan of him now, id prolly expect that your 12 years old to 15 years old. ALl i wanna tell you is dont make this guy your savoior of hip hop your gonna be a in a big dissapmantment.
 This guy is the reason why hip hop is so feminin right now. Anyone thats calls himself a pretty **** should not be somrhing that us as guys should accept as respectalbe.
PLease as a fan of hip hop dont allow this guy to succeed allowing this guy to succeeed is gonna take us back as a genre ATELAST 10 years.
 Im a little drunk right now soo please dont talk bad about my splleing becuz i dont got a spell checke
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