Well CDProjekt RED is owned by CDProjekt a huge publisher in Europe already. I doubt we'll see them become like Bioware and besides have you seen how their cofounder talks about DRM and games? I get the feeling he really enjoys games and doesn't just say it.
@CoRiNi lmao no console games usually run at 720p. The 360 upscales them and the PS3 doesn't I believe. Look at COD thats something like 640p. @WCK619 I agree gameplay/story > graphics but come on they are not mutually exclusive. Look at Witcher 2! Fantastic game truly wonderful and it didn't sacrifice anywhere and its only DX9! Ofcourse im not complaining but considering how much I've read and seen about the PC version I'm a bit dissapointed with the graphics. I love the art style though.
Console users yes the PC version isn't amazing graphically but at least we have extra stuff to make it look better. Also gameplay > graphics. When Witcher 2 comes to the 360 I bet gamespot will do a graphic comparison and you can see the difference between PC and consoles even more.
@KodiakCS What are you talking about this game is pretty damn easy on Hard. I'm playing as Magic spec so far and Quen does most of the work. Combat is similar to Demon's Soul were if you attack you have to wait for the animation if that's a problem why not just play on easy?
@madg23 On Kotaku there is an article that confirms there is cross-platform matchmaking for PC and PS3. Awesome so now I can play with my friends who are on PS3.
@Viiper It's because people are stupid. They think just because it looks better means it requires less thinking. Seriously I remember having a Blood Mage/Arcane Warrior tearing through Origins on Nightmare. Yes there are problems with DA2 but the combat is much better and improved. Classes aren't OP and more balanced compared to Origins. People soloing DA2 actually takes planning out compared to Origins where if you wanted to solo the game it just required some gear and that's about it.
Moloch121's comments