I saw the nerds comment in the article but thats the article calling people nerds, not him being quoted. C'mon man. Your people? Its the Internet, not your village tribe. If they had insulted Crazy Horse and Chief Running Bear then I would go to war with you brother!! But lets not get carried away and take it too seriously. And no I was not referring to you in posting inappropriate stuff. I was talking about some of the wackos who attacked the official forums etc with that garbage. Its just a game - you might enjoy playing them - but its not the be all and end all. There are things of far greater concern in our society today. biggest_loserYet you keep bringing up the trolls from the official forums. This isnt the infinity ward forums and neither are people in this thread posting inappropriately. Sure you could say "don't like it, don't buy it" but this is a FORUM and everyone has every right to express their opinions, if someone says "hey I don't like what they are doing so i won't buy" its perfectly valid (ASLONG AS they dont post inappropriately). You can say "well this is why they did it" or "but we still get this" and i have no problem with that. That said here are some things that are really undisputed facts: They are charging more for the pc game purely for more profit - which i have no problem with, if people are willing to pay more than there no reason not to charge more Dedicated servers> IWnet - There is absolutely no benefit from replacing dedicated with IWnet. Why not have both? it doesnt cost them any money to support dedicated servers because players pay for that. So far all IW said is that IWnet will still be able to do some things like private matches, they have not said IWnet will have ANY improvements OVER dedicated, only that they have not take ALL the content out. IWnet's only advanage over dedicated according to IW is that its easier for newbies. - This is just retarded. Everyone was a newbie once and now those people have come to understand and love dedicated servers. So IW changed the game for new players and says "don;t like it don;t buy it" to the hardcore fans who were more likely to buy the game. Genius
MondeEdlu's forum posts
theres also a thing called figure of speech
My desktop was obscured a little by this explorer window when I took this screenshot.
no CS 1.6
get pes
fifa sucks for pc. its ps2 version of game. Pes is next gen. These are essentially your only 2 soccer options
its really just a self fulfilling prophecy leading to a vicious cycle. Delayed for long periods-> people alrdy played on console/ get spited -> more pirates cuz ppl dont feel like paying full price for an old game -> lower sales -> more delays.
a) copy protection is a joke if you know anything about games being pirated
b) to the person who said don't play it if youre not going to buy it. This is true but why would someone logically deny themselves the opportunity to NOT buy it AND play it. its not morally or lawfully correct but logically people tend to do it.
c) why should they even be expecting good sales? its not like they even remotely care for the pc, pc ports are essentially just a taste of singleplayer for consoles these days.
and how much effort did they put into sf4 pc? a "decent" amount of effort.
basically what evryone here is trying to skirt around is yes the combat is turn based and automatic like runescape.
it doesntmatter if its origins were before runescape, it doesnt invalidate the statment that the combat does infact playout like runescape.
i was thinking why they announced it to be same release day as consoles in the first place when i first read it i already knew it would be delayed. another better product bs excuse. wtf did the 1st pc assassins creed have over consoles? 6 MONTH delay and 3x system requirements, nice ubi nice. no grapples plz
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