[QUOTE="Innocentguy757"]Mass Effect GRAW2 GTAIV Halo 3 Forza 2 Fable 2 (if it comes out) Blue Dragon Banjo Bioshock (maybe) Whoah I forgot about GTA let me add that to my list !
[QUOTE="web966"]wii: super paper mario Mario galaxy smash prime 3 no more heroes disaster manhunt 2 360: Halo 3 Assasins creed Banjo kazooie Im probably forgetting alot What about RPGS like Mass Effect and Blue Dragob and Lost Oddysy ! LOL
[QUOTE="MasterC5"]Halo3 Blue Dragon Mass effect Metroid prime 3 virtua fighter 5 MGS4 Lair Bio shock Brawl Mario galaxy Quake wars COOL VF5 FOR 360 OR PS3 ?
[QUOTE="voxware00"]ie: we wont scam you guys this time, we promiseTekkenMaster606
They won't give up that head start now, they already screwed over 20 million people with the original, short lifespan box... BUT THEY SAID THAT XBOX 1 WAS A DEMO SYSTEM. Face it you cow u got nutin
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