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MoparAddict Blog

Near The Brink Of Death.

No, I am not dead, just not that active on GS these days. It just isn't what it use to be. It doesn't have that same appeal or shine to it as it did back in the day. You can however find me on MAL, I'm usually on there once or twice a day at least. So hit me up with a friend request.

In other news, I'm listening to a loooooot of music lately. Particualrly Zeppelin and older stuff, amjorly from the 80's. Not playing too many video games, the Wii has not had any titles that have caught my attention too much. Still cliniching onto Tatsunoko VS Capcom; epic game if you have not played it yet do so immediately.

School. Almost over, June 18 and I am done with high school. About damn time too. Prom is near as well, in about 2 weeks, spent too much money on it, very, very expensive. My last major project is underway as well, for school anyways. I have to edu-macate my fellow peers on a topic of my choice for approximately ten minutes. What did I chose? Why none other than thrash metal baby!

Oh, Iron Man 2 was awesome.

-Mopar O.U.T.

No More Heroes 2 and Tatsunoko VS Capcom!

No More Heroes 2, one of the best sequels I have ever played. This game is truly amazing. Not necessarily better than the first, but more intuitive and giving the gamers what they want and desire from a sequel. The game starts off with Travis returning from a 3 year long hiatus on the UAA. The action starts not too soon after, with the annihilation of Skelter-Helter. Ring any bells? It should because he is Helter-Sketler's brother. The game progresses rather nicely and continues to follow the previous games format, a hack and slash that utilizes the wiimote for execution and wrestling combo's, with a spicy new variety of moves available too. And yes, he does get DUAL BEAM KATANAS. Yup, you can say that again. The bosses progress with ease, but eventually I found myself having trouble with lower ranked, further back on the list, I must have died at least 3 times on 51 and 0 on the 8th ranked match. Who'd known? Either way, the game kicks some serious can. If you liked the first one, you'll fall in love with No More Heroes 2 all over again.

Tatsunoko VS Capcom

Don't know what Tatsunoko is? Don't worry, it's only one of the biggest, baddest anime companies EVER. They have characters in every type of anime and have been around since anime basically started, so they know what's good. When playing this game, so much fun is to be had. You get to choose 2 characters from the roster of available one's, and oh yeah, its has a ton of characters for you to choose right from the gate. From Ryu to Mega Man or Ken the Eagle and Casshan, you'll be duking it out with more than just a few characters. It offers several modes: arcade, versus, versus wi-fi (which is actually very good and reliable from what I have played on it.) etc, etc, etc. Oh and did I mention there is a guy by the name of Gold Lightan in this game? Go look him up now for those of you who have never heard of him, he deserves your time.

-MOPAR out!

Megadeth, Saints, Demons, and Aliens?!

That's right, be jealous, just got my tickets to see MEGADETH! WOOT!! They're on tour with Testament and Slayer, the concert is not till Feb. but it is going to fackin sick!!! \m/ \m/

On another note, Boondock Saints II was awesome! Saw it like 2 weeks ago, forgot to post a blog. It was awesome for a sequel, not gonna spoil any of it, those who saw the first one and liked it go and pay your respects by going to see this sweet new film.

More movies! Ugh, what a disgrace. I cannot tell you how terrible both Paranormal Activity and The 4th Kind were. Both belong in the toilet. Some lady flipping out because a door moved back and forth? OH NO! The 4th kind was even more ridiculous. An alien kidnapping and dialect in a 4,000 year old language..? Seriously? Why not just tell me that aliens are gonna come abduct me and probe my brain? So dumb. Not worth a trip to the theater. Both were fake by the way.

-Mopar OUT.

Mac's and Basterd's!?

Yes, you heard right, I got a Mac. Not just any Mac, a MacBook.

This thing is awesome. It's so fast and has processing room to spare. Not only can it run OS X but Windows Vista as well. It comes with BootCamp installed, you just need to run it. Well all that aside, It's pretty effing awesome when it comes down to games. It doesn't lag EVER. I was running Portal the other day and it looked pretty impressive, video streams buffer really fast too. I know they are considerably pricier than a standard laptop or desktop, but it's worth the extra moola IMO.

The Inglorious Basterds was quite the film.

Filled with comedy and gore, it's just what every fan of the genre wants. A large percentage of it is subtitled in French and German, but I didn't mind, the movie was spectacular. In the words of Lt. Al Dorain "I want my scalps." Err yeah.

-Mopar OUT!

Eureka 7 Pocket Full of Rainbows! SPOILER ALERT!!!

Wow, one hell of a movie. Man that movie was completely different than the series thats one thing for sure. However, there are some similarities. Renton and Eureka are the two main characters, and all the characters from the original series are still there. But Renton's father [spoiler] was his grandfather or that's what it seemed like to me. [/spoiler] He and Eureka [spoiler] met when they were younger [/spoiler] and the Nirvash [spoiler] was a faerie. [/spoiler] All in all the movie was amazing, well that may be incredibly biased because I am a huge Eureka 7 fan. The art was great, the ost was immaculate, the plot was kind of hard to follow if you've already seen the first series, but I still enjoyed it, it had the same old Eureka 7 feel for me, and that was good enough for me. This easily gets a 10 out of 10 in my book.

Watch it here:

-Mopar out!

NHL Playoffs

Anybody watching the playoffs? What teams are you following? Any major upsets/highlights? I personally WAS following the Devils..grrr damn Hurricanes! Now I'm following the Capitals I guess. Ovekchin is pretty damn good though.