No, I am not dead, just not that active on GS these days. It just isn't what it use to be. It doesn't have that same appeal or shine to it as it did back in the day. You can however find me on MAL, I'm usually on there once or twice a day at least. So hit me up with a friend request.
In other news, I'm listening to a loooooot of music lately. Particualrly Zeppelin and older stuff, amjorly from the 80's. Not playing too many video games, the Wii has not had any titles that have caught my attention too much. Still cliniching onto Tatsunoko VS Capcom; epic game if you have not played it yet do so immediately.
School. Almost over, June 18 and I am done with high school. About damn time too. Prom is near as well, in about 2 weeks, spent too much money on it, very, very expensive. My last major project is underway as well, for school anyways. I have to edu-macate my fellow peers on a topic of my choice for approximately ten minutes. What did I chose? Why none other than thrash metal baby!
Oh, Iron Man 2 was awesome.
-Mopar O.U.T.
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