I continue my pure list of DBZ pwnage with number 4, Cell.
Cell has several forms just like Frieza. But to obtain his forms he must absorb androids 18 and 17 to do so.
This is his first form.
He can barely manage to hold his own in this form, and tries to obtain his 2nd form but is unsuccessful because human's don't have the required amount of energy for him to do so, thus he absorb's 17. And achieves his 2nd form.
He fights Super Saiyan Vegeta in this form, but in very unsuccessful and gets his ass handed to him over and over again. He then pleads to Vegeta saying if he absorbs 18 he can give Vegeta a fight to look forward to. As cocky as Vegeta is, he agrees to this deal and helps Cell absorb Android 18. This is what Perfect Cell looks like.
Vegeta then attempts to fight Cell thinking that he is still invincible, but he gets his ass kicked all over the place from this badass mother f******. Cell then holds the Cell Games which mostly the Z Fighters attend, and hercule and some other douche bags, but they arent worth mentioning. Cell starts the first round facing Goku. It seems as if they are able to fight on par until Cell up's the anti and Goku gives up. Blah, blah, blah, Cell gets pwned by SS2 father son kamehameha. The End. IMO Cell is the best DBZ villian. Stay tuned for number 3 peoples!
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