Moroes' forum posts
It's a common issue that people don't read the ToU when they sign up, or ever after they have been round for a while, which is why I don't think putting it in the ToU would really be all that helpful. Having the link above every single union would mean that there would really be no excuse for a user not to know what is allowed when it comes to union games.If people don't read the Terms of Use and get moderated for abusing it, then that is perfectly fine because they are breaking their "contract" with Gamespot which they signed when they made their account. A good amount of people don't read the Terms of Use, but should the minority who do read the Terms of Use be punished for what the majority tends to do (or not do in this case)? You do bring up a good point that it might take a long time to bring this by the CBS Legal Department, if they are indeed in charge of this. I agree with your solution to put up a link to the rules in every union forum. This would eradicate this problem, and no one else can say they didn't know about this rule. It would be nice to see it up in the Terms of Service, but either one works.And the whole "which takes longer" argument is pretty much invalid, because it can essentially take years for a small ToU change, because it all has to go through CBS Legal department, where as a header could be done by GS staff themselves.Caddy06_88
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