I hated Snow I really did but.. hey people on the ran from everyone in world don't tend to get to relax much.
Sadly though it made it tiring and would have been nice to wander around towns every so often.
The games weren't bad really as you said it was just.. kinda out of order I guess? Confusing. I liked the story it had and it had and still does have a lot of potential IF they can finish it up right.
I really do not see why people like cloud so much, he was so gloomy and annoying. I mean not every main character needs to be happy and hyper but good god he was just depressing until the very end of the game.
*sigh* I really don't see why people can't give XIII games a chance.
This one has GREAT potential, people just seem to get too hung up on what X and VII was and think everything after them is terrible.
I mean All of the 3D Sonic Games were terrible and Generations was actually good and fun to play. Maybe if people put the past two behind them which in real truth weren't bad at all just not as good as past games and focused on what this one can be it might turn out to be a very good game.
XIII-2 Is actually a really good game, it is really weird in a way but it is also pretty fun and has a great story.
I personally thought XIII's story was really well done and I liked the characters, the combat got boring to me after awhile but it tends to happen every so often.
You do realise they have more then one team working on all of the games right?
The team that creates KH is working on Versus and when it is finished like they have said a hundred times they will start on Kingdom Hearts III.
They have also stated that they will NOT make a VII remake unless a new FF game beats FFVII's sales.
XIII and it's sequel weren't terrible either, they weren't great but they were by no means terrible either.
The XIII series is really only about the story and it actually has a pretty good story. Most of the characters on the other hand are pretty annoying and the combat system gets boring very quickly.
Though, does anyone remember how people bashed XII? Now most of the time all it gets is praise.
I for one am highly interested in XIV now and from what I have seen and read looks quite fun now.
It is not like you have to buy a game when it is $60. Wait a week or two and it will surely be $30-40 and wait longer and it will be $20.
Yes Smartphones have MUCH cheaper games but those games become boring after a very short amount of time as well.
If they shoved out a new console every two or three years people would complain about buying a new one.
The reason why console games cost more is that it takes more people, more time and more work to create a lets say.. Xbox360 game then it does to make a game for a Smartphone. If they made them cheap right off the bat they wouldn't make hardly what it took to create the game unless it becomes a world renowned game.
People do not understand what old is anymore. PS3 is by no means old.
Yes Xbox360 has been out for awhile but it is doing quite fine.
Not everyone wants to spend $2000 or more dollars for a computer that can actually run TONS of games smoothly either.
As Sony said they will NOT look into a "PS4" until a system shows a significant difference between the quality of PS3 and said new system.
Games aren't all about the graphics, yes it makes it a funner experience but nowadays they give you outstanding Graphics and a story of what.. maybe 8 hours at most? I would rather have SNES Graphics then waste my money on an 8 hour story.
It isn't a spinoff, not sure how anyone could think it was by now. BY god it has been stated I do not know how many times it is a direct sequel to Kingdom Hearts 2 and the last game before Kingdom Hearts 3. This game is to 3 as COM was to 2.
Morokoo's comments