Morpheus09110's forum posts
Yes, I would recommend getting a PS3. The online is good. Check out HOME for the PS3 when you get a will be 10 times better than live. My cousin has a 360 and he is really excited about getting a PS3 when HOME comes out this summer. I would wait until then or the end of the year to get one. see what new systems come out as far as HDD space. they are probably comeing out with a 120 or 160 GIG and prices will probably drop again by fall or winter of '08. That's MY suggestion.
Oh, and as far as exclusives...I don't think I have any...but I heard Warhawk and Heavenly Sword are real good. Lair is worth a rent to see if you like it. I'm waiting for the price to drop on Lair and Heavenly Sword before I buy.
ESIV: Oblivion.. it's the longest of all 3 games and the best purchase. Get the GOTY Edition so you get the game + both expansions.cleotis_max
Ditto....if you want to get a racing game though, get Need for Speed pro street...I think it is the best NFS yet. and I have played all from NFS1 to Porche Unlimited to Pro Street.
It's would be like having you mom as president...HOLY SH!T...This can come of no good if Hilary is pres.Morpheus09110
I must be tired...that post didn't read very get the point though.
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