Both games are good overall. Though, I preffer Dota 2 instead of LoL. Why ? Well, it's simple. Dota 2 is more complex. Why again ? Because the heroes are not ballanced in the way LoL's heroes are. In Dota 2, every hero has a counter-hero, that's how they are ballanced. In LoL evey hero can beat every other hero if you know how to play with it. The way Dota 2 ballance heroes gives players new ways to play as a team, new team strategies to play. Also, let's not not forget that Dota 2 has a very complex deny system, which LoL does not have, which again has a big influence in Dota's 2 gameplay and strategies. In Dota 2 is harder to comeback if you're loosing, in LoL it's easier just because the map is smaller, and the heroes are ballanced in this manner. Another PLUS for Dota 2 are the bots. They depend not only on the level you select between easy/medium/hard/unfair, they also depend on how you play. Dota 2 place you in a BRANCH depending on how you play, something like LoLs ranked system. Also, Dota 2s map is more complex than LoL's map, being bigger and lanes being verry different from each other. LoL's lane's are all the same. Dota 2s items are more complex too. You have more active items in Dota 2 than in LoL which again makes Dota 2 more complex. Let's not forget about LoL ban system. One of my friends got banned for 24 hours last week because he left a BOT match, because his internet co... In Dota 2, if you leave a practice match it's ok. It's just practice. In Dota 2 you dont get immediately banned, you get punished by being put in a low priority branch first. Dota 2 has a ... How to say it, more competent player base. Why ? Because of their invitation system. In the begging, when everyone who were in beta got 3 invitations, and the ones who completed the survey too, if the person who was invited got punnished, the person who invited him got punished too. That's how it was in the begging. You will not get cursed if you suck as much as you will get in LoL, because Dota 2 is not free to play yet, and there's not so many kids playing it . I'm not saying that Dota 2 is better than LoL. LoL is easier than Dota 2, this making it a more noob friendly game than Dota 2, but overall, Dota 2 is a more complex game. They aim for different players, that's why you can't really compare LoL with Dota 2. I'm sorry for my bad english, but you get the point.
Do not reffer only to RTS games. I would like to play other genres too. As for Dota 2, I am already playing it. As for Starcraft 2, I'm waiting for all the expansions to come out and then i'll buy then all together.
Hello. So, I want to buy a new game, preferable a RTS. I want a game that has the potential to be played by a lot of people. I want to play it at a competitional level. I would like to take part in competitions and so.
I talked to someone and he told me that if i buy OC i can join their clan. I think that's what i am going to do. Would you think buying RO2 is better ?
I don't want mods with zombies or something like this. Every other mod is ok. I want something realistic, something wich requires good teamwork, teamplay. So what you're saying is that i don't need Combined Operations to play it online, only if i want to play DayZ ? Also, Battlefield 2 with Project Reality would be a good alternative to it ?
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