Mosquite's forum posts
Half Life 2? PGR4?bamafan1434
You mean Orange Box?
[QUOTE="battlefront23"][QUOTE="KaotiK_un_basic"][QUOTE="battlefront23"] 5 complainnts and get booted off for a week maybe?KaotiK_un_basic
i would so love that.. there would be such a change in everyones atitude if they knew they could be banned.
the downside is that people would get you booted off for no good reason sometimes.
i'd take it, it would make such an improvement on how people act online.. and i wouldn't be worried about gettting complaints, i never do anything to get one.
though there'd probably be losers (the same ones who do all the crap now) just trying to get everyoine banned, but then that would stick out that they sent so many complaints, and they'd probably get banned for even longer for making false complaints..
the problem is microsoft would need to spend money on this.. so i doubt it'd ever happen (even though we pay money. money that should go towards making live more enjoyable)
I think that Microsoft could put some-kind of limitation to how many complains is possible to send in a week so these people could not just send complain to everyone they do not like.
ok we all know that halo is just a compilation of a bunch of different games, lets list them.
ill start.
1.Half-Life 2. Doom. 3. Metroid. 4. Deus Ex
Lol. Bungie can't do anythings about that truth that FPS games are similar. That is like saying that Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata and all other games from that game section copied Final Fantasy.
I played the demo and I really enjoyed it so I borrowed it from a friend recently. I really really liked it for a about 5 days but after that, i was completely sick of it and whenever my friends would call me up and say "lets play shadowrun" i would NEVER want to play.
It's the most Balanced and Unbalanced game I've ever played. The power system is extremely balanced, for example you cant have all the powers on at once would be complete crap cause you would be a freaking god. But when I say its unbalanced, i mean its practically impossible for a ELF to take down a HUGE FRICKIN TROLL.
Hell no it's not!!! I mostly play as an elf and trolls are allmost easiest racest to kill as an elf with katana, shotgun mix.
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