did you read this? they say break it off or something, it is from 2005http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=430626&seqNum=5&rl=1
I wish that it said how many players per game....oh well here ya go:http://www.majornelson.com/archive/2007/12/10/live-activity-for-week-of-12-3.aspx
Good luck, I hope that works out for you. My $380 60gb Ps3 never came, I lost $180 :(.....seller had 100% feedback and seemed very legit, needless to say I am done with scambay. But you got a good deal
Animal Crossing....no other game compares, she will love it guarantee! Also maybe Mario Sunshine, Sonic, Kirby Racing.
Sweet i just bought my brand new blu-ray player. I did the credit card thing and just finished my order for the 40 gigglesniakHow Long did it take to get back to you?Thanks
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