It's HAZARD TIME! 15 points Start your first game.
Take 5. 5 points Pause the game for the first time.
And basically any game that gives an achievement for finishing the tutorial. That's the "Yay you're SPECIAL!" achievement which is also along the lines of "Beat the game on any difficulty, You're SUPER!"
[looks up achievement list for Eat Lead] The achievement for watching the credits yields more points than the achievement for beating the game on the hardest difficulty mode? At any rate, how is this game? What did you think of it? Its not a bad game its not serious nor is it a work of art Iv done 3levels got 350 points so very easy for gamescore. But with No multiplayer over live and No co-op its got very little replay value not worth a buy at the current prices (about £30) but might be worth a rent should be able to complete it in a couple of days gettin most of the achivements is easy just by playin the game you dont need to work at any nor are they time consumeing.
It's HAZARD TIME! 15 points Start your first game.
Take 5. 5 points Pause the game for the first time.
And basically any game that gives an achievement for finishing the tutorial. That's the "Yay you're SPECIAL!" achievement which is also along the lines of "Beat the game on any difficulty, You're SUPER!"
what game? This game is "Eat lead return of Matt Hazard"
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