"Take $3000 from me." That emotive language. As if he was held at gunpoint. Then again, better to seem like the victim than to accept personal responsibility.
@bluenessless: Yes! Agreed. To me Fable as a series was best played anytime preindustrial era. The name itself "Fable" evokes a setting far back in time. What better time than the Old Kingdom? Might even meet the Archmage who ended it all, or even play as him/her.
@SaintsRowLA @Mr357Magnum Yup If it sounds familiar that's because it is. I not only slaughter countless 3d character models and bath in their blood particle effects. I am not only a one man genocide of 1s and 0s, but yes i steal movie references and don't give credit! That's right! I'm a despicable human being. A monster! DON'T LOOK AT ME!
@CnConrad @dementedlullaby Haha it's true there's barely any range. The generic default male tough guy voice always sounds like its played by the same guy. Maybe the Nolan North of Japan?
Hatred appeals to that destructive, violently bloody, psychopathic primitive lower subset of my reptilian brain. I write that with no shame. Come on Steam. Come on guy, don't make me go out and find an alternative. After all, violent video games don't make people violent, canceling them does ;)
Koo. Seeing it in motion makes me think Dark souls + fable. The aesthetics and difficulty of dark souls plus the stabby, shooty, magic combat of fable 2. All good things
Mr357Magnum's comments