Man I was so pissed when I coudn't get that relic. It took me 25 hours to get 99% completion and I'm considering starting a new game on hard difficulty. Ubisoft kind pulled a **** move on us.
People sometimes can be quite dumb when they express their opinions. Yes Dark Souls is quite a bad port but certain things must be considered. First of all, the petition for the PC version started in January with a realease date scheduled for August. Thats about 6-7 months. Do you "Hardcore PC Gamers" honestly think that an inexperienced PC developer such as From Software can develop a near perfect port during that time?If so, then you are quite dumb. Dark Souls was also developed on a PS3 devkit so making the code work for the PC was quite difficult. I played the PC version with the DSfix and with...wait for it...... KB+M and finished the game about 5 times. Not playing this game because of it being a poor port proves that you are in fact not a hardcore gamer at all because you are missing out on one the best games of this generation. Also, please stop with the sh** comparisons of Dark Souls to a broken car or boat or other sh*** like that cause thats kinda pathetic.
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