MrAngelox / Member

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MrAngelox Blog

Lvl 7!

Hmm only a day after lvl 6, I wonder if this is the so called lvl skipping and I fear I'm going to be stuck at lvl 20 for a long long time :( I'm now a Sectoid!

Invited to the Gamespot N00b Union!

I've been invited to the GS N00b Union! I wonder why? Level 5? Take a note captainryan:  "Member since Aug 9, 2004" Ok this doesn't say I'm not a n00b but, I've been member for a long time. And I'm officer in another union, so I'm not a newbie ok? I consider this an insult! :evil:
Anyway You have respectfully declined the invitation to become a charter member of The GS Noob Union.

Back to lvl 1!

:shock: Oh my, guess I'll have to start over again!

Edit: Phew everything is back to normal, glitchly gamespot 8)

New Imagery

Yay! I've got a blog banner and a profile banner (which also says blog but ok...) If anyone acctually reads this:
What do you think of it? :D
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