Where's Final Fantasy in this mix? The ONLY RPG out right now is Devil Survivor, and that didn't really interest me. I think the 3ds needs a good RPG, and not something like Harvest Moon or Pokemon. A REAL old school turn based RPG.
MrFuzzy81's forum posts
When the 3ds first came out there was rumors that they might remake FF 5 and 6 like they did with FF 3 and 4 for the DS, or maybe a new game, but I haven't heard a peep from Squaresoft lately about it. Personally I think the 3ds could use a good RPG.
I think $20 is my limit for a game like this. That's one reason I never got to play the original. It's too expensive to pay that kind of money on a game that lasts like an hour in one playthrough. If I pay $40 for a game, I want at least 1 hour of playtime for each dollar that I spend. So I ususally end up getting RPG's that are 40+ hours, but sadly there's nothing good out at the moment. Sure there's Devil Survivor, but that didn't really catch my interest.
I'm playing Super Mario Bros. as we speak(well, after I get done typing this). I downloaded all of them, but the main one's I wanted were Mario, Zelda 1 and 2, Donkey Kong Jr. and Metroid. The rest were just "Meh".
I just realized how poorly suited the 3DS is for sidescrollers...
the dpad is in a very awkward position and the slider... is......yeah.....
*sighs*. I guess there's always people that are going to complain about free stuff.
YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! Downloading Super Mario Bros. as we speak!!!
if you like the series then sure, but I found it one of the weakest general rpg type games I have played on the ds dragon quest 9 was far superior imofer-
I'd definitely get DQ9 before I got Golden Sun. The only thing I didn't like in that game is there wasn't any character development, but other than that it had a pretty good story.
That's kind of a weak list besides Zelda, Mario, and Metroid. I think I'll probably just get those and forget about the others.
Other then Super Mario 3D land and Mario Kart 7 what else is there?[QUOTE="trugs26"]
By year's end I don't people will be complaining about lack of games on the 3DS.
They do have Resident Evil: Revelations coming out, but that's just a prequel and it's not coming out until the beginning of next year. I'm hoping to see a new RPG like Final Fantasy or at least a remake of FF 5 and 6 like they did with 3 and 4 for the regular DS. Besides Devil Survivor, there's no RPG's out at the moment, and that one didn't look all that great.
I wouldn't mind a 2d Castlevania, but every time it goes 3D it usually sucks. They screwed Lords of Shadow up by making it too much like God of War. I liked God of War, but I hate when games try to copy each other. Castlevania should stick to it's 2d roots.
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