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MrPhiller Blog

Concert Tonight

Yes,  Im performing tonight on my viola thingy. Im kinda nervous but not really.....the whole thing is just to raise money so the little munchkins can play instruments to. I guess this is my first post that doesn't have to do with gaming so ill through something in:

see! video games!

So basically I have now included my life and gaming in ONE POST.....! And now im off to get in the shower!

The Next Gen Consles

The Truth: The most powerful, the most expensive, does the most, again, costs the most, crazy awesome and can even make TOAST (TOAST MANNNN!) but is still expected and will be pricey (games and consle)
My Opinion: The PS3 Has the most potentional with its fanbase and getting hardcore Xbox Gamers to put there american xbox says behind for this consle, the thing is, the consle itself can do everything so everyone will eventually have one, I mean Im getting one for the blu-ray its like PS3 wont just be for gaming, but media aswell, focus on the gaming sony!

XBOX 360
The Truth: Fan's run the success of this consle, the online service is awesome, so much could be done but because it was the first one out it will probablly be the subject to copiers. And we as gamers can't complain.
My Opinion: The 360 has everything a hardcore gamer want's, Awesome Graphics, Crazy Awesomeness, Sleek Design, a GREAT online service, and features that HAVE TO DO WITH GAMING (and some that don't) I don't see why anyone wouldnt want to pick a 360 if they cant afford all the ps3ness and want to focus mainly on there other consle....the revolution.

Nintendo Revolution
The Truth: Cool Looking, great features, focuses on gaming, but has a "new approach" to things with the controller of it's, In all the revolution will be fun, if the devolpers will pull it off.
My Opinion: From what we have heard it is easy to make games for the Revolution, therfore whenever a devleoper wants to be challanged on how a game plays, how much fun it is, and not on the graphics and such, they will turn to the Revolution. It definitally is a new approach. But its good, and I have a feeling it will be fun.


I think I have established myself as a member of the gamespot community lol. Ive:
  • Reviewed and Rated Games
  • Joined Unions
  • Posted on the Fourms
  • Read Stories
  • Voted
  • Tracked People I thought were cool
  • Built a Game list
I suppose the only thing I have left to do is start a union but otherwise besides that, I have done alot! I guess I should start talking more about other stuff rather than talking about gamespot in my blog eh?

A first steel

Hey everyone! My profile has a new look and I also have a new userimgae thingy.....I guess I get bored sometimes and I wasn't happy with how plain the last ones were.

My First Emblem.
Yes its true, I rocked the vote!

Red Steel
The new game coming out for the revolution looks absolutely amazing and looks VERY FUN to play, I can't wait!!! I wan't my revolution NOW! RIGHT NOW!!!!

Boo Yah

Im level 3 =D Wooooooooo!

So basically thats all I had to talk about.....My big question for the staff is how come all the information is updated every night? Why can't it be real-time? Like I have to wait to see if I go up a level or if my signiture on the fourms.....its weird.........

Goldeneye !!!!

Goldeneye: I love this game on the N64! It's so great, it's like the best FPS ever...... I love it....If you havent played it yet and you have to find your N64, hook it up, and play it, I love it!!!!! So enough of that and more of moping over the fact that it wont be available on the Revolution........... Damn you Rare.


Off the topic of video games "Lost" the show that everyone is talking about I decided to rent out and watch it, Season 1 that is, and its great! I was thinking what if there was something like a "Random Progressive Game" basically a game that is random like animal crossing (randomizing each town) but randomizes what happens everyday you play the video game ( like lost)

Great idea? Or to hard to make? Send me a message on your opinion.

Gamespot....Up and Running

I was running into problems on gamespot,alot of things were down and not working. I think it was the site itself but it is back now. Im thinking of re-making all my images tomorrow, there nice but not the best. Besides that I have been trying to join in with the gamespot community and if the fourms are back up I am going to go post there.

C ya later =D

EDIT: More info about the downtime straight from gamespot. Just go to the fourms

Getting ahold of a 360.

This being my first blog post I figure who ever is reading it doesn't really know me. Well anyway I have always been a nintendo fan and I never like the 360, I never even gave it a try. I got ahold of one to play for awhile (like two days) this weekend and here our my thoughts.
I got to play Perfect Dark Zero from begging to end and test all it features. I also got some music on there and tested the device capabilities. I did alot with this 360 all leading me to say one thing......if you never liked it, it is fun, but you will only like it till the ps3 or tevolution comes out and you get it. Then it will just collect dust.
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