Super Smash Bros. Brawl is coming out tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!! Im so...sad...:cry: Wanna know why? I don't have a Wii...:( I know, i'm ridiculous, aren't I? Sigh...Anyway, i'm gonna be posting of the characters in the game, so if you dont want it spoiled DO NOT click where it says "SPOILER" If you already know all of them, then please feel free to click it! ***SPOILER*** You noteced that when you clicked it, you went to my site, right? Well, that's because when I tried to post the Spoiler-Thing the normal way, I got this message: "Your HTML is not well-formed - no valid tags were found." I looekd this up, and it turns out it was BECAUSE of the spoiler-thingy I got this message! So I had to post it all on my site! :P Anyway, I'm gonna get a Wii and this game as soon as I can! :) It's gonna be awsome! Now i'm gonna end this blog with 7 words: Super Smash BRos. Brawl will be AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
MrSaturn33 Blog
I'm such an IDIOT! :cry:
by MrSaturn33 on Comments
I'm such an IDIOT! :cry: I almost got myself banned! :cry: I don't know how to thank you, Spongemario and Banhoney, for telling me that talking about you-know-what would get me banned...Thank-You, Spongemario and Bahoney!
I'm Minus World! :D
by MrSaturn33 on Comments
I grew this level just a few days ago! :D i'm sure you know this, but i'll tell you anyway...
The minus world is a glitch world in Super Mario Bros. for the NES had! Supposedly, it's because Nintendo was using it as a test world, but forgot to take it out! The minus world is an underwater world, like many in Super Mario Bros, but when you beat it, Mario just suddenly appears at the beginning of the level again! O_o That being said, there's no way to escape the Minus World other than reseting the game or getting a game over and not holding A while pressing start on the titles screen! Also, like all levels in the game, when you go halfway, and lose a life, you restart from the middle of the level, (IF you got that far :P) but in the Minus World, you start at a hole, so, like in all underwaterb levels, if you don't mash A, you'll fall immediatly and lose ANOTHER life! :o:P:D:lol:So yeah, not the fariest of levels either...In the NES version, it's only one level, but in the Japanese-Only Famicom Disk System version, it's 4, a whole world! This was because Nintendo already knew about the Minus World by the time the Famicom Disk launched in Japan, so they though, "Well, we might as well make it a world!" The Famicom Disk system version is just plain wacky, there will be land enemies in underwater levels, floating Princess Peach sprites, etc. But one question remains: "How do you get to the Minus World?" Here's how: OK, first of all, it's in world 1-2. That's the second level ever. The underground one, remember? Finish the level up to the part with the pipe you have to go through to get outside and reach the flagpole. DON'T go through the pipe. Instead, jump on it. Then, bash these two bricks:
After you've done that, here's where it gets tricky...Stand to the left-most side of the pipe. That's the very edge to the left. (But make sure it's the VERY EDGE, if Mario can go any further to the left without falling, then you're doing it wrong!) Once you're therem hold down B. then duck. Now jump. You should be at the left edge of the pipe at the end of world 1-1, have bashed the second and third bricks fro the right of the pipe, be holding down B, and ducking. Now thet you're doing all of these things, jump. Just when you've taken off, hold down right, but still hold down B and Duck. Mario should now jump into the wall of bricks on the right side, and go through it, like this:
And then...
Now you will be in the same room as the room as the warp zone, but it won't say, "Welcome to warp zone!" And there won't be numbers for each world you can go into. Instead, pirhana plants will come out of the pipes. Here are what the pipes lead to:
So the one to the right leads you to the Minus World, the one in the middle is world 5 (DON'T ASK! :P) and if you go near the one to the right, the room will change to the regular warp zone. Go in the Minus World, and you're there! :) Hope this helps all of those cl@ssic gamers (like me! :))! Here are some images of this amazing world:
The Minus World in all its glory!
To the Minus World!
This is the part where you say, "WTF!?" :P
The Japan-Only Famicom Disk System Minus World! This version contained 4 levels!
So this is the Minus World! :) I just copied and pasted this onto my site! Click here and scroll down untill you see a paragraph entitled, "Minus World". Wow! Lo and behold! There it is! Also, please sign my guestbook on my site! I love having visitors, because I worked very hard on it! I'm glad that i'm finally level 17! :)
Want to do Wi-Fi with a DS game?
by MrSaturn33 on Comments
I'm very sorry I haven't made blog post in a while...Iv'e just been very busy! How have you all been? So, anway, want to do Wi-Fi? These are the following games I have that can do Wi-Fi:
Pokemon Pearl Version
In-Game Name:
Friend Code:
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales
In-Game Name:
Friend Code:
Final Fantasy III
In-Game Name:
Friend Code:
Animal Crossing: Wild World
In-Game Name:
Friend Code:
Oh, yeah, also, I do have Rune Factory, but I can't figure out how to see my friend code! :( Do you have any of these games? Please tell me your friend code and in-game name and stuff so we can do Wi-Fi! :D Also, you must PM me too because if you ask to do Wi-Fi immediatly on my blog, I might not be there on time, but if you PM me, we can keep on replying to each others' PMs untill wer'e both on Gamespot and we know that the other one is wating at the Wi-Fi screen so we can just get our DSs and do Wi-Fi! Anyway, I hope I can do Wi-Fi with you guys! Just post here and tell me if you have any of these games and want to do Wi-Fi! Did you know that you can talk to each other through the DS's microphone while doing Wi-Fi? I love hearing my Gamespot friend's voices! :)
Professer Layton And The Curious Village
by MrSaturn33 on Comments
It's coming out in America tommorrow! :D I can't wait to get it! They new info on their site, click here to go to it! I can't wait to get this game! It's a puzzle/adventure/point and clcik game! I'm not really a fan of point-and-click games, but the puzzles in this game and the fact that they're all replayable make it look awsome! Are any of you hyped up about this game? Make sure you at least check out the site!
Spoiler alert! I know every single newcomer in SSBB!
by MrSaturn33 on Comments
Hi everyone! How are all of you? I'm OK! Anyway, Iv'e found out every single unanncounced newcomer in SSBB! These are them:
Mr. Game And Watch; (Not newcomer, but unannounced) Yes! Nintendo's oldest all-star is back in the brawl!
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Marth: (Not newcomer, but unannounced) The awsome Fire Emblem character is back from SSBM and ready to brawl!
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R.O.B.: (Newcomer) He's an add-on to the NES! But how could you play as him in Brawl? I can't wait to though!
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Ness: (Not newcomer but--Wait, he was announced!?) I knew about him being in SSBB before hand, but, like, yesterday he was annonced on the website!...OK, just a sec...YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG i'm gonna play as him so much i'm so glad they put Ness in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: OK...
Falco: (Not newcomer, but unannounced) The awsome falcon-guy from the Star Fox series is back in Brawl!
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Jigglypuff: (Not newcomer, but unannounced) I was really afraid they wouldn't put her in! I'm so glad they did!!! :D
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Lucario: (Newcomer) My brother and I were praying they'd put this awsome pokemon in...YES he will be!!! Since he's a fighting-type pokemon, he'll be prefetc in Brawl! I can't wait to play as the weilder of aura! :D
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Toon Link: (Newcomer) They're putting in the Link from The Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass! It's gonna be awsoe to play as this guy!
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Luigi: (Not newcomer, but unannounced) I'm glad they're putting in the underdog of the Mario series! He was just as fun to play as in melee as Mario! It's no surprise they put him in, not only has he been in every single super smash bros. game, but you can even pay as him in Super Mario Galaxy!
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So all of these characters will be in Brawl, even though they're unannounced! Hope you enjoyed!
It's Down To Three DS Games!
by MrSaturn33 on Comments
If you've read my last blog, then i'm sure you know what i'm talking about! :P These are them:
Nintendogs: One of my best friends loves this game and iv'e played it and it's awsone! It's a virtual pet game where you can have your very own dog (actually you can have up to seven) made by Nintendo!
The Legend Of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass: Another one of my good friends let me borrow this game one time and it was a hell of a lot of fun! It's the sequel to Wind Waker and allows you to explore many islands and use your sword via the touch screen plus lots more!
New Super Mario Bros.: My friend that owns Nintendogs also owns this! It's soooooo much fun! It takes gameplay from Super Mario Bros. for the NES and puts it in a brand-new 3D enviornment with new worlds plus tons of minigames!!!
So which DS game do you think I should get first? Nintendogs: Chihuahua and Friends, The Legend Of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, or New Super Mario Bros.? Vote your pick!
Should I Get Nintendogs?
by MrSaturn33 on Comments
Hello everyone! How have you all been? My friend recently got Nintendogs, he says it's AWSOME, so I was wondereing if I should get it! What do you think? Should I get Nintendogs? Anyway, I was just basicly wondereing if you'd suggest it and if it's a good game or not! I think i'm probably gonna get Chihuahua and Friends! :P

Also, which one do you think I should get first? Phantom Hourglass, or Nintendogs? I had to give Phantom Hourglass back to my friend yesterday, so now I should think about getting that, too!
What video game systems do all of you have or have had?
by MrSaturn33 on Comments
I have a NES, SNES, N64, GC, GBA, GBASP, DSLite, and a PSTWO!
I got 'em in this order: (they will have the same colors as the ones I have!)
Pikachu Nintendo 64 (N64)
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Nintendo Game Boy Advance Indigo (GBA)
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Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP Flame Red (GBASP)
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Sony Playstation 2 (PSTWO) (PS2 for the orginal, bigger edition)
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Nintendo Gamecube Platnum (GC)
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Nintendo DS Lite Polar White (DSLite)
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Yobo FC Twin Pearl White (NES & SNES)
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Since my Game Boy Advance can play Game Boy and Game Boy Color games, and my PS2 can play Playstation games, in total it comes to 11 systems! Also, for those who were wondereing, the "fc twin" which I call my NES and SNES, is a system made by "Yobo" and is not licensed by Nintendo. It can play NES and SNES games in one system with two cartridge holders! Click here for more information! Anyway, enough about me, what systems (portable and consoles) do you all have?
Phantom Hourglass is AWSOME!
by MrSaturn33 on Comments
My friend and I made a deal that he would borrow my FFIII for DS and that I would borrow his Pahntom Hourglass for about a week or so, and let me tell you, the game is AWSOME! It's so fun! At first, I thought it woudn't be that fun, but if you sit down and play it for a while, it's sooooo fun!!!! Using the Touch-Screen to do everything seems like a horrible idea at first, but it's actually really, really, fun! I'd reccomend to just about any gamer! It's, like, definetly gonna be the next DS game I buy!
Oh, also, I just gotta buy the wind waker! Phantom Hourglass is the sequel! OK, now it's off to play some Phantom Hourglass...
(P.S. The characters Link and Tetra in The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker and The Legend Of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass are not actually Link and Princess Zelda; More like their great-grand children!)
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