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Halloween: (_1978_)

IMO, this is better, simply because It's the orginal. It opens with Michael Myers, age 5, slowly walking down stairs and mudereing his sister, Judith. Unlike the remake, she isn't a jerk and doesen't deserve to die. Then it skips ahead to Laurie Strode's life, many years later. Michael Myers has escaped, and plans to...come hom Laurie Strode is your average teenager, has friends, always does her homework, that crap. She's babysitting a little boy named Tommy on Halloween night. Michael Myers murders Laurie's friend, and the one she was having sex with. He then murders Annie, Laurie's closest friend, and does something wierd and creepy, but strangely humurous and clever at the same time. He chases Laurie upstairs, and she sees Annie lying on the a bed, with the tombstone of Judith Myers behind it. On top of that the boyfriend of her other friend falls down from the celing only attached to a rope, and her other friend lies dead, eyes widened, mouth gaping, in the closet. XD I would die of trauma. But Laurie Strode just loses it. Luckily, his former psychologist, Dr. Loomis, who is one of the best actors on earth, comes in and shoots him like, a million times. XD Then he falls from the 2nd story onto the ground, and for some f*cked up reason, he still freaking lives! Who does he think he is, IRON MAN!? So...He escapes. Don't worry though: There's still Halloween 2, 3, 4, 5, and Ressurection! *Shoots self*
Halloween: (_2007_)

First of all, this movie is not for the faint-hearted. It contains exsessive blood and gore, nudity, profanity, and explicit sexual activity. Anyway, this movie is awsome. But completly different from the orginal. It's like they took the basic idea, ad the names, and then just made it their own thing. One great thing about it that the orginal was lacking was character development for Michael Myers. I mean, half of the godamn film is all about his childhood! You feel sorry for Michael in a way you didn't in the first. The only ones he kills are those who deserve it, untill he becomes an adult where then he goes completly nuts. Michael killed his despicable dad, his b*tchy girlfriend, the sister's boyfriend, (who actually was innocent) some @$$hole* who picked on him, a nurse who teased him for his mental difficulties, two rapests, some perverted jerk, and...LOL, i could go on and on...XD What I'm trying to say is that you understand Michael more. Th actor who played Michael as a kid is phenominal, and really deserves the role. The Mom is pretty good, and the dad...Well, that must've been really, fun, who ever played him. XD Dr. Loomis is barney compared to the orginal, but he's still not half bad, and fit the role nicley. Then there's he second half...I blurted out, "WHAT THE ****!?" When I first saw it. Remember Laurie Strode from the orginal? Of course you do. Laurie Strode was smart, kind, and had good friends. In this version, she's dippy, not very smart, and loves to curse. The actor is actually OK, but I don't know what they were on when they changed the character completly. Of course, Michael escapes, and Laurie babysists Tommy and all of that crap. HE comes home, and kills all of her friends. This scene is almost identical to the orginal, but the famous scene where Bob gets impaled by a knife on the wall is replace with a Psycho-esque rapid jab in some car. Not my preference. XD Laurie Strode is Michael's little sister, so rather than killing her, he takes her to his "home." He shows her a picture of him and her when she was just a baby, but she says she doesen't understand. Shortly after, Dr. Loomis comes and has a touching speech with Michael, and Michael drops his knife. Then the f*cking* police men shoot him 10,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 times. He dies. And that's...The end. Really sad, actually. This movie gets 9.2/10. You have to love it. It's great.
My Mom would never let me watch these (Thinks Icouldn't handle it >_>) but I sat through both of them, and didn't get scared once! I'm so happy I finally saw them! Thanks, AVGN!
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