Remember, for a game to run smooth it is not only the graphics card involved. You can have a top of the line video card but if your processor is slow then it does you no good. I am running an Intel i7 3930k with 6 cores and I run everything cranked up. Even FSX gets about 80fps on the ground at large airports. YOu will not find a more demanding piece of software out there then FSX and it what I use as a benchmark when building new machines.
Stay away from iRacing unless you have a fat wallet and want to pay for every car and every track. If you want to race online I recommend ARCA sim racing by The Sim Factory. It is what a number of leagues went to after Nascar 2003. Lots of third party adon tracks. Not good for single player as this sim was designed for league use and the AI were never tuned properly.
Very simple explanation for this...... No Mod Tools = Only they can make mods = They can charge you for them. Always follow the money when you need answers to a question :)
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