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Mr_Connery Blog

The Onslaught Continues

Halo 2 got a 9.4. The SW board was being bomarded with new threads every 5 seconds.

Halo 2 didn't meet expectations, but it still looks like a kickass game. Which is a good reason that I reserved my copy back in August.

Even though the idiots claim 9.4 is a flop, I don't care because I'm not that closed-minded.

More to come this evening

Killzone commited Suicide

PS2 fanboys hyped the game to be the "Halo Killer", yet the game killed only itself. Oh well, only for more days until that blissful Monday Night when I pick up my Limited Edition Copy of Halo 2. So expect me not to be on the boards Monday Night or Tuesday

Thank God The Election is Almost Over

I'm just glad that I don't have to listen to those guys throw insults and annoying political TV ads at each other. People at my school will actually shut up about politics, since the majority of my school is Republican.

And in other non-political crap, only 6 more days until I get my hands on the Limited Edition of Halo 2 (I'm getting mine Monday Night), which makes me glad I reserved it in August.

I owned this hater today

During lunch today, some racist skinhead comes up to my G/F and starts making racially insulting comments. My G/F is Half Pacific Islander, Half Caucasiun. Anyways she's telling him to go away when this teacher comes up to him and tells him to stop. I was watching this when I see the racist push my g/f out of her seat.

I immediatly get up, run over to him, tap him on his shoulder. He turns around and I punched him in the face as hard as I could. He goes down like an anvil and I tell him "You ever say anything like that to her again, I will beat you up alot more than I just did!"

Just then he gets up and a bag of WEED falls out from his sweatshirt! He's arrested and I didn't get in trouble.

I saw the movie "Saw" this weekend

Ugh...It's probably the most disturbing movie I've ever seen! It's like Se7en, except 10X the gore, 10X more disturbing, and 10X more Scary.

If you are a fan of Se7en, go see this movie. It's not for the faint of heart, If you are scared easily, avoid this movie. If you are in need of a good scare, see this movie.

The story is good, acting is good, and it's actually scary! My only complaint is that the movie served it's purpose too well (I was freaked out)

Saw: ***1/2 out of ****

I got San Andreas on Wednesday

I picked up the last copy on GTA: SA on Wednesday Morning at Target before school, thank god for the alarm clock. Anyway after a long agonizing day of waiting for school to end, I rush home and I start playing it. It's the best PS2 game out there.

Anyways, I was playing when I realized I had to get to my job, and after that I had to goto my other job! I thought god was punishing me that day. Anyways from 3:30 P.M. to 10 P.M. I had to bust my ass off.

I work with little kids who are in the YMCA School Age Care Program, followed by my other job which is working at my local Ice Rink. It was a long day, but when I got home at 10, I forgot about all that and popped in GTA: SA and played until morning.