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Mr_Connery Blog

I'm never playing football games again......

Ok, maybe not until 2012 when EA's contract the NFL expires. I rented Madden 06 yesterday to try it out and I was sorely disappointed by it, it's a basically a rehash of Madden 05. It's probably the most boring football game I've played since...............I can't remember when I've ever been bored by a football game.

When EA bought out the NFL license, I expected EA to make some improvements to their formula but instead they put little or no effort into making this game. Why do you ask? Because since they own the football genre, they don't have to worry about competition; They can release a garbage game and sell big without worrying a competitor's better, more fluid, and more user-friendly football. It's kind of obvious EA doesn't care about how the game turns up, as long as it has the name "Madden" slapped on it, people will buy it.

Damn You, EA!!!

Online Dating Chronicles: Chapter 2

Well, after about a couple of weeks of starting this whole online dating thing, I've finally met someone and we're planning on going out this weekend. We've talked to each other over the phone, chatted on AIM, and she seems to be a really nice person. We're planning on going to a nice resteraunt, followed by this upscale nightclub that I goto 2-3 times a month.

I must say I'm a little shy, but then again I'm always a tad shy in situations like these, so I should be able to keep my cool. I have to say that it was a good thing I signed up for this online dealy stuff.

And to top it all off, Joshtheboss lost the bet :P

Jack Thompson rides again

First it started out with the whole Sims 2 deal which not only gained him media attention, but also lots of death threats. Now that Jack Thompson has gotten everyone's attention, he's now focused on Killer7. Now we all know Killer7 isn't exactly the cleanest game in the world, but what makes him think that Killer7 needs an AO rating?

What makes me sick is that this guy NEVER stops, it's almost like he goes after something obscure to get the everyone's attention and once he does; he'll go after something more "plausible".

My stepmom is a lawyer and when I told her about Jack Thompson's deal and what techniques he uses, she told me it's probably as low as you can get to persuade people.

His crusade will either explode in his face, or have dire consequences. He talks about protecting our freedom on his website but yet when he's telling people they can't play/show something, that's taking away a freedom. That's not democracy, it's communism.

Less than a month, I'll be starting college

Starting August 25th, I'll be starting my college education and working toward a career in video games. Some of you may think that I won't be on as much, but since the college is literally a few miles away, my presence here won't change much if ever at all.

So to fill you in on a few things that's been going on.........

Friday I finished filling out a financial aid form (I got a $1000 scholarship eariler, but I applied for financial aid just in case). Saturday I spent most of the day in St. Cloud helping a couple of my buddies move into their dorms up at St. Clound State University and on Sunday I spent most of the day working (because I usually don't work weekends)

Also, some of my friends have already left. I have a friend who graduated in our classes top 10% and he's headed out to Boston. And alot of people I know are headed out west, down south, or just into Wisconsin. For some reason, I feel like I'm the only one left, but there's a chance I may goto UCal in a year or so, depending on what degrees I need to get.

It's been 3 years since Scott died

Today is the 3 year anniversary of the death of Scott Cullen, one of the best damn people I ever knew.

Growing up, we were in every class together grades K-5, during my time in elementary school he got me involved in sports and introduced me to a wonderful thing called Hockey. He was also on my team from when we were in squirts all the way to Bantam A. While we were in middle school, I got involved in football and me and him were placed on the same line defense every year throughout middle school. On weekends, we'd sometimes go off-roading with his ATV's or Snowmobiles depending on the weather.

Freshman year, we started playing on the Freshman A team, we weren't the best football team in the world but we gave it our best. Then in April, after he was done wrestling when he fell ill to mononucleosis and had to quit playing. They thought it would pass over in a few weeks, but it got worse as time progressed. It got so bad that he had to be admitted into the hospital in Urgent Care and he couldn't leave for school. We visited him everyday and gave him get well gifts/cards, etc.

2 days before he fell into a coma, he told me that if he was going to die, that he was ready to accept death and meet the lord. After I had left the hospital, I started crying and I cried myself to sleep. I didn't want him to die, he was a big part of not only my life, but everyone else around him.

2 days later, he fell into a coma and 2 weeks later, he died from complications of mononucleosis at 7:35 PM. I was over at a friends house when all of a sudden his g/f, who was with us, got a call on her cellphone. Her eyes got all teary and her face turned red. She then started crying and hung up the phone, I didn't even have to figure out what happened. We started crying and holding each other.

His funeral was held 5 days later, I spoke to the audience about how Scott changed my life as well as everyone else who met him. I told them to remember what he did for you and how he touched your life. While I was saying this, I was doing a bad job at holding back my tears.

Scott, you had a huge impact on who I am today. You are the reason that I am who I am today.

R.I.P. Scott Cullen

March 13, 1987 - July 27, 2002

Online Dating Chronicles: Chapter 1

It's been about 3 weeks since me and my ex-g/f decided to call it quits. So a couple of nights ago, I got this crazy idea and try out online personals on Yahoo. So I made a profile (which took them 24 hours to review) and I got a profile established.

I also tried online dating because my cousin met his financee through the internet, so hopefully I'll find my "future wife" :P

I decided to try something new for a change, anyone else tried online dating before?

Hillary, I'm here to help :\

Sims 2 content thats worse than GTA: SA is probably the most IDIOTIC thing I've ever heard on GS. Why do these sleezebag politicans insist on attack video games when there are more important issues in America, oh wait, It helps their reputation, my fault :|

What are they gonna do next? I have a list of targets of what video games these "brillant" politicans will go after next and their reasons

  1. Final Fantasy X, for having a kissing scene and 2 people forming a meaningful relationship
  2. Metal Gear Solid 3, because of Eva's outfit
  3. Need for Speed Underground 2, because Brooke Burke shows her mid-drift
  4. Death by Degrees, because of what Nina Williams wears :roll:
  5. Ninja Gaiden, because of the.........ahem buxom Racheal
  6. FFX-2, because of Yuna's and Rikku's outfits
  7. God of War for showing full frontal nudity
  8. Conker, for having a "stacked" flower

I hoped I helped all you heroic politicans in your fight against evil, so good luck and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out :|

Hillary Clinton: Professional Whiner (D-NY)

GTA: SA Hot Coffee story at GS

GTA: SA Hot Coffee Story at Yahoo!

I find it amazing that Hillary Clinton is so hellbound on destroying Rockstar that she forgets what her real job is, a politican, not a whiner; You could say that she's a professoinal whiner, her whining and media hype put alot of pressure on Rockstar to make GTA: SA rated AO

She comapres "violent games with cigarettes and alcohol as a hazard to America's youth."

Hey Hillary, GTA isn't a threat to your child's health you idiot! I don't see a "Warning: May be hazardous to you health risk" label on the side. The label clearly read M-Rated, which is "meant to be played by people Ages 18 and Older". But no, you have to scare Rockstar into giving it an AO-rating, and you criticize the ESRB for "not doing their jobs". They were EXACTLY doing their jobs, but yet these Hillary and these media watchdogs and fail to realize it's the customers and parents who buy the game whom they should be going after, not Rockstar.

Yes, shame on Rockstar for putting that stuff into the games but M-rated is the equivelent of NC-17 which should be an obvious sign.

Now Hillary, do us a favor, stop using your husband's "affairs" as a way to get attention, and get back to your real job and solve problems more vital to our nation's well-being. If you didn't have the name "Clinton" in your name, no one would give a damn about what you think.