I played the demo of BF4 and it was just a map pack for BF3 with the old style "spotting" method and a slightly better menu interface. Other than that the BF4 demo made me decide pretty quickly I had zero interest in BF4.
I guess it depends on what system you were playing on (even the commentary states this). I am not a PC gamer because I don't have the time and money so I'm more of a casual gamer (I still play my Wii and my PS3). BC2 was by far the greatest multiplayer game (for me). I played all the Battlefield games and the CoD's as well as Resistance, Killzone, and Unreal back in the day when I did play on PC. I thought BF3 had one of the greatest presentations I have ever seen in the game but the gameplay, maps, input lag, balance (or lack thereof), lack of destruction, and poor menu navigation in BF3 made it abysmal. I pre-ordered BF3 6 months before it came out and waited in line at midnight for it. I was so disappointed in that game it made me decide to never pre-order a game ever again. It was (and still is) way ahead of its time in terms of presentation but in terms of gameplay it's awful. Purely awful. It's 2014 and I still try to find people on line to play BC2 and BF1943 on my PS3...but my BF3 disc is a coaster.
@TomM_GScom - PS. I hope I don't get a TOS violation by saying this, but it's time for ME to be fair: Sony's customer service in my opinion is awful. I have stories about my dealings with them that will make you belly laugh. I have written nasty letters to them, spent God knows how much time on the phone berating them for their complete inability to value their customers as people and not just numbers. I also have recently informed them I will most likely not be buying their products anymore (including the next gen PS). But when it comes to something like this PSN hacking debacle, I cast the blame for the incident on those scumbags who breached the system and damaged the experience for millions of people.
@TomM_GScom - I see your points to this Op-Ed. However I don't think you're being 100% fair. Sony has apologized excessively, offered free credit protection to its customers, as well as some other items in a compensation package. When someone says, "I'm sorry," it also means, "it was my fault." Also, I believe you should hold the hackers responsible too, and much more responsible than Sony. You convey the message that if a door is unlocked than it's nobody's fault but the person who didn't lock it if someone breaks in. I understand that in the world we live in there are bad neighborhoods, and if I go into one and get carjacked people will say, "What is wrong with you? MORON!" But if we lived in a world where everyone pointed their finger to the rapist instead of the victim who was wearing the short skirt, these criminal scumbags probably wouldn't do what they do as often. If someone breaks into my home I will shoot THEM, not myself. Stay out of my home. The reason these losers might get away with what they did is because so many people want to blame SONY. What a shame.
@TomM_GScom: HA! True! Close, but no cigar my friend. Now that I think about it I never reach Godwin's Law in a debate. I don't know why, really...I just never do.
@Pinky_corpse: "@Mr_Deltoid Calling GeoHotz names isn't really helping your argument. They make me think the real "virgin worm" as you kindly put it, is you." I suppose calling Bin Laden a sack of dog vomit negates the fact that he orchestrated the murder of 3,000 innocent people. I suppose calling you a d0uchebag after telling you 2 + 2 = 4 makes it no longer mathematically correct. And likewise, I suppose calling Hotz out for what he is (still a virgin worm) negates the fact that he started an online hacking epidemic that has ruined the gaming experience for thousands of consumers. Great point! Thank you for setting me straight. This is an internet blog forum, it's not a high-school debate being moderated by Emily Post.
@moistsandwich: Maybe he does have a "legal" right to hack and share that knowledge but that's what the court will decide. And so by your logic, if a terrorist spends months trying to figure out a way to sneak a bomb onto an airplane, puts his knowledge on youtube, and within weeks it's happening left and right, the terrorist has absolutely no moral accountability whatsoever? That's silly and disgusting. Sure I blame the hackers and cheaters for the degradation in my experience and the potentially rising cost of my products, absolutely. But Hotz is a pathetic little virgin worm, and if he had any respect for the consumers and online gamers he wouldn't have started this mess. And dude, take off the tin-foil cone-shaped hat. Big businesses do not rule our lives and take our freedoms away. GOOD GOD. And if you, like all the other "anti-big-business-I-hate-Sony" believers think Sony will suffer and not the consumers then you're living on another planet. Sony is going to either make a profit suing Hotz, or make even bigger profits in raising their prices to prevent something like this from happening in the future. Hotz cut off all the CONSUMERS' noses to spite SONY's face. In the end, all that little scumbag will have done was make our online experience less enjoyable, our products more expensive, and Sony more profitable. Maybe he does work for Sony after all. Keep cheering him on.
Mr_Deltoid's comments