@disposition000: I'm going to have to go ahead and say Sony pretty much has "gotten off their lazy asses" and "innovated" quite a bit. You may want to check out all the products they have made for about 60 years, including the PS3, the only product of its kind. They're hardly a lazy company if you ask me.
@f11en1134: "then you sign off by calling him a "geek; a sad, pathetic little nerd"... funny... hotz was able to jailbreak the iphone and ps3 in his teen years from home. what have you done in your life?" WOW, he jailbroke 2 pieces of hardware! CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP! WOOHOOO! Let me tell you what I do: I work. I produce. I pay taxes. I donate to charities. I contribute to society. I don't bore a glory hole into a computer and brag about it to the world because I just so happen to be the only geek with so little to do with my life that I spend countless hours futzing around with some electronic hardware. What has that produced? Hackers, cheaters, software piracy, and some geeks that salivate over some "technological break-through" and have this "F the system" mentality that can only be found in a teenager that hasn't left his parents' home yet to learn how the world really works. I am d@mned proud I'm NOT someone like this geek. Instead of using his "abilities" and "talent" to show the world his techie-geek d*ck measurement, he should have approached Sony and showed them, and then possibly turned it around into a career opportunity. But no, he had to brag. He had to be famous. Because that's all he's got in his pathetic little life. And he should pay every honest gamer back for the money they spent on games they can't play anymore due to online cheaters.
@fa11en1134: "@Mr_Deltoid how exactly did he "sabotage" the company?" If you have to ask this question then you're way behind, young child. "and sony doesn't have to spend any extra money. sony has a legal team on retention. which means sony pays a yearly premium to have the legal team at their disposal for however sony sees fit. even if they weren't going after hotz, sony would still have to pay the same exact money." Wow, you really are ignorant. You don't know much about corporations or how businesses are run. This could result in additional online security measures (perhaps even server moderators) to prevent future cheating and hacking in online gaming which could possibly create the need for a monthly premium to play. And if you think the "retention" is going to cover everything you are sadly mistaken. I deal with this all the time at my company. It may in theory, but in reality it never does.
I hope Sony nails him for everything they can. The whole idea of "they should be offering people like this a job," is CRAP. He sabotaged the company, causing them to spend a lot of money, which is going to be passed on to the consumers. He's a geek; a sad, pathetic little nerd. I hope he stays in South America and doesn't come back to the United States.
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