Mr_Mohawk's forum posts
Tragedies brilliant
Histories very good
Comodies oh God no.
Seriously, Shakespeare couldn't wrote a comody to save his life. Much Ado About Nothing is consistently atrocious, despite Shakespeare stealing the plot. I can't be bothered to find a link, but just look it up if you care that much. A Midsummer's Night Dream is alright, but its very much the execption. Don't blame the language barrier; Chaucer is hilarious, yet was writing centuaries earlier than Shakespeare.
[QUOTE="Fire_Ants"]I guess...ive never seen either of those movies though :?-TheSecondSign-
The Shining kicks anus.
It's about an evil hotel that's being watched in the Winter and it slowly possesses the husband of this family and then he starts killing everyone.
spoiler warning
My interpretation of the film (not book) was that the hotel was merely a catalyst for the psychotic side of the father to show itself, and not in itself evil, although I can see how one could see it that way.
Ok I just searched A Clockwork Orange in google image and it seems to be a gay movie? Is that right?Ilived
No. how did you get this idea? go look it up on wikipedia and see the error of your ways.
You let a 12 year old watch the original version of Clockwork Orange? Which prominently features a graphic rape scene? One that features beatings of the homless, and the brutal killing of an elder with a Vibrator? A movie thats rated X?? Yeah, I'd say thats some kinda idiotic...dlindenb2000
The very same; only it was a phallic sculpture, not a vibrator.
Another similar movie was Watership Down. It was about rabbits who were trying to find a new home. And it was bloody scary when I first watched it. :( (I was about 5)deshields538
That freaked me out too.
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