A lot of pople are arguing along the "progress" route, but really, is there any reason we couldn't realistically have that level of research during peace time. It's a question of priorities, as any government will have more money availiable to it in peace time.
On an ethical point, is war always murder?
I would say yes if the participant has volunteered in full knowledge that they will be required to kill people. This may not be popular, but to me that makes the average war "hero" from iraq two steps away from Harold Shipman. I can not imagine any scenario where I would kill another person purely because they are wearing a different uniform than me. If the participant is conscripted, however, that is different as they are just trying to survive, and yes, it is should still be murder if you kill in self defence but enjoy it.
On the causation of war, I am pessimistic as to whether we will stop fighting. War is an inevitable consequence of patriotism, of the pride in creating a difference between groups depending on which side of an imaginary line they live. Cultural identity allows us to view others who don't share it as inferior, therefore the individual can absolve him or herself from his or her own moral scrutiny.
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