1. The main form of evidence cited by proponents of intelligent design is that of irreducible complexity. There are currently no proven examples of irreducible complexity, and those put forward are usually a result of a lack of apreciation that cells and tissues can change function during the evolution of the organism. One example is the flagellum of a bacterium that comprises of over 40 proteins that if altered do not work. the explanation is that this first evolved as a defence mechanism, which we know by observing other species of bacterium, which did not require this precise arrangement.
2. Quite often there is a failure to realise what an astoundingly long length of time 3 billion years is, so it appears there is not enough time for evolution to occur, when in fact there is a stupendous space of time availiable.
3. There is not a real lack of transitional fossils; just look at archeopteryx, and due to the tiny amount of organisms that fossilise, it is more remarkable that we have as much fossils as we do.
4. Its a conspiracy, they say when all else fails. Individual scientists may occasionally be biased, but science as a whole is so vast that if the evidence was there, this would be the accepted scientific theory.
p.s. One does not believe in evolution, as we have enough evidence that no leap of faith is required. Pedantic, I know; it just really irritates me.
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